varhttpClient =newHttpClient();varrequest =newHttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get,""); request.Headers.Authorization =newAuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);varresponse = httpClient.SendAsync(request).GetAwaiter().GetResult();// Do someth...
針對入口網站存取,您可以選擇只開啟特定的租使用者 URL,而不是通配符 。。 例如,根據上述螢幕快照,您可以開啟 存取和會話控件 使用與環境相關的設定,為您的防火牆設定反向 Proxy。 商業客戶 針對商業客戶,若要啟用 適用於雲端的 Defender Apps 反向 Proxy,請將下列 IP 位址...
針對入口網站存取,您可以選擇只開啟特定租使用者 URL,而不是通配符 (*) 。 例如,根據上述螢幕快照,您可以開啟。 若要判斷您的租使用者 URL,請參閱稍早的檢視數據中心一節,並尋找API URL。 存取和會話控件
Products and services: Microsoft Defender for Cloud Sort by: Newest to oldest Clear selections Sort by Relevance Newest to oldest Oldest to newest Nothing found Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords. Get started with Microsoft Security Microsoft ...
I changed my phone and I am able to login to my Office account. I have another Active Directory for my MSDN subscription. I am trying to change the directory in Azure portal but it sends me notification to the Authenticator APP but I don't get it on the… ...
Hello all, i am following the below article on how to configure cloud app security to work with client certificates. I am currently using the demo cert that...
Copy and paste values from multiple portal screens, and manually construct the issuer URL. If you did any of these steps incorrectly, it was hard to debug, and you’d likely need to repeat the setup from scratch. Now, you can complete this configuration directly from the App Service authe...
provide powerful abstractions. Service bus queueing supports asynchronous messaging between endpoints and can scale to support virtually any workload. It also lets applications communicate between the cloud and on-premises without requiring virtual networking, which can be a logistical and security ...
To start, create the Web App within the Azure portal by selecting New | Web + Mobile | Web App, then provide the App name, Subscription, Resource Groups and App Service Plan and press the Create button. Once you’ve created the app, you use this location to deploy the source code cont...