(echo <credentials>) | docker run --name LogCollector1 -p 414:514/udp -p 415:515/udp -p 21:21 -p 20000-20099:20000-20099 -e "PUBLICIP=''" -e "PROXY=" -e "SYSLOG=true" -e "CONSOLE=machine.us2.portal.cloudappsecurity.com" -e "COLLECTOR=LogCollector1" --security-opt...
Get full visibility of your SaaS app landscape and take control of your apps with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, a comprehensive SaaS security solution.
varhttpClient =newHttpClient();varrequest =newHttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get,"https://portal.cloudappsecurity.com/cas/api/v1/alerts/"); request.Headers.Authorization =newAuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);varresponse = httpClient.SendAsync(request).GetAwaiter().GetResult();// Do someth...
Get full visibility of your SaaS app landscape and take control of your apps with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, a comprehensive SaaS security solution.
Get full visibility of your SaaS app landscape and take control of your apps with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, a comprehensive SaaS security solution.
应用名称:例如,Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps。 应用说明:例如,Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps通过其 API 连接到 Smartsheet,并检测用户活动内的威胁。 应用URL:https://portal.cloudappsecurity.com 应用联系人/支持:https://learn.microsoft.com/cloud-app-security/support-and-ts ...
Get full visibility of your SaaS app landscape and take control of your apps with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, a comprehensive SaaS security solution.
Cloud Discovery data anonymization enables you to protect user privacy. Once the data log is uploaded to the Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps portal, the log is sanitized and all username information is replaced with encrypted usernames. This way, all cloud activities are kept anonymous. When ne...
Audit Method Two: Microsoft Cloud Application Security (MCAS) UsingMCAS, review the applications with permissions already in your environment. To access this area, follow the steps below. This instruction set assumes you have licensing for MCAS. ...
"Security, Compliance, and Identity","categoryPolicies":{"__typename":"CategoryPolicies","canReadNode":{"__typename":"PolicyResult","failureReason":null}}},"Forum:board:MicrosoftDefenderCloudApps":{"__typename":"Forum","id":"board:MicrosoftDefenderCloudApps","entityType":"FORUM","displayId"...