在终端窗口中键入az version,了解安装了哪个版本的 Azure CLI。 输出如下所示: 输出复制 { "azure-cli": "x.xx.0x", "azure-cli-core": "x.xx.x", "azure-cli-telemetry": "x.x.x", "extensions": {} } 安装了哪个扩展? 使用az extension list命令查看已安装的扩展。 还可以使用az version,但az...
For more advanced installation scenarios and instructions, see Azure Developer CLI Installer Scripts.Note: When you install azd, the following tools are installed within azd scope (meaning they aren't installed globally) and are removed if azd is uninstalled:...
Run the Azure CLIYou can now run the Azure CLI with the az command from either Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell.Troubleshooting installationHere are some common problems seen when installing the Azure CLI on Windows. If you experience a problem not covered here, file an issue on GitHub....
Disables downloading from the Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) and uses the uncached feed directly. -NoPath|--no-path If set, the installation folder isn't exported to the path for the current session. By default, the script modifies the PATH, which makes the .NET CLI available immediat...
n. Azure. Votre utilisation du service Azure est régie par les conditions générales du contrat séparé en vertu duquel vous avez obtenu les services, comme indiqué sur la page des informations juridiques de Microsoft Azure à https://aka.ms/AA7z67v. Microsoft Soundscape o. Microsoft Soun...
end installation of MapD on Microsoft Azure using theAzure CLI tools. The scripts provided are intentionally spartan, so that interested users can explore all of the different options Microsoft Azure provides without having to wade through lots of shell script variable substitutions and conditional ...
dans votre souscription Azure. La collection Azure nécessite qu'Ansible s'authentifie à l'aide des informations d'identification Azure, qui peuvent être définies à différents endroits, comme le fichier~/.azure/credentialsci-dessus, via des variables d'environnement ou le profil Azure...
azure-cli,是Azure云计算的跨平台远程命令行工具,主要依赖于Python和pip。 下载azure-cli.msi后安装到系统中。在Windows Bash/Linux/MAC系统中安装可以参考完整安装教程。 安装成功 安装Arduino IDE Azure IoT采用Arduino Wiring API,所以采用C++编程。其IDE概念来自Processing IDE,所以采用Java编程。
Scripts can be downloaded from Azure Storage or GitHub, or provided to the Azure portal at extension run time. The Custom Script Extension can be run using the Azure CLI, PowerShell, Azure portal, or the Azure Virtual Machine REST API. Usage of Custom Script Extension was ...
azure cli 完成以下步骤以安装 azure 命令行界面(azure cli 2.1)。azure cli 2.1 是一个基于 python 的工具,用来在 azure 中创建和管理虚拟机。 先决条件 在使用 azure cli 之前,您需要具有 microsoft azure 帐户。 azure cli 安装需要 python 3.x。 流程 导入microsoft 软件仓库密钥。 $...