在此範例中,XYZ 音訊裝置的 device-install 區段會使用INF AddInterface 指示詞來安裝四個音訊配接器介面。 在下列四個指示詞中,每個指示詞都會將唯一的參考字串指派給介面,配接器驅動程式可用來區分每個介面類別別的實例。 INF [XYZ-Audio-Device.Interfaces] AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSName...
InstallSubdevice(..., "Wave1",...); InstallSubdevice(..., "Wave2",...); 在此情況下,相同的名稱應該會出現在 INF 檔案中: INF KSNAME_Wave1="Wave1" KSNAME_Wave2="Wave2" 您的INF 檔案應該新增包含下列名稱的介面: INF AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Wave1%,Test.Interface.Wave...
默认情况下,HD Audio 类函数驱动程序将音频音量和麦克风提升级别设置为预先确定的值,以确保为用户提供愉快的“开箱即用”体验。 HD Audio 类函数驱动程序(此处称为音频类驱动程序)使用无法为任何特定电脑自定义的各种硬编码默认值。 因此,OEM 无法替代这些值来满足自己的要求。 要调整的最重要的设置之一是音量级别,...
[DeviceExtension_Install.Components] AddComponent = SwapApo,,Apo_AddComponent [Apo_AddComponent] ComponentIDs = VEN_SMPL&CID_APO Description = "Audio Proxy APO Sample" 此APO 组件会在 SYSVAD 示例中触发第二部分,即 APO INF 安装,这是在 ComponentizedApoSample.inf 中完成的。 此 INF 文件专用于 AP...
InstallSubdevice(..., "Wave1",...); InstallSubdevice(..., "Wave2",...); 在这种情况下,INF 文件中应显示相同的名称: INF KSNAME_Wave1="Wave1" KSNAME_Wave2="Wave2" INF 文件应添加包含以下名称的接口: INF AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Wave1%,Test.Interface.Wave1 AddInterface...
Note:If you’re using Skype for Business with Windows 8.1, ensure that you update your device drivers to the latest version. SeeDownload and install drivers for Windows 8.1. Set up your device Note:To ensure that your preferred audio device is chosen each time you start ...
Note:If you’re using Skype for Business with Windows 8.1, ensure that you update your device drivers to the latest version. SeeDownload and install drivers for Windows 8.1. Set up your device Note:To ensure that your preferred audio device is chosen each time you start Sk...
InitializeSharedAudioStream 使用指定的周期初始化共享流WASAPIAudio 示例演示如何使用 IAudioClient3 实现低延迟。以下代码片段演示了音乐创作应用如何采用系统支持的最低延迟设置运行。C++ 复制 // 1. Activation // Get a string representing the Default Audio (Render|Capture) Device m_DeviceIdString = MediaDevi...
Now none of my audio devices are working at all. I uninstalled and reinstalled the most up-to-date audio drivers for all of my devices, but nothing in my system will produce sound at all. I checked everything - cables, plugs, making sure to select the right audio devi...
To switch devices while in a conversation, click the Audio Device menu in the Conversation window, and then click the appropriate device in the menu. Is my IP phone connected correctly? When you set up your IP phone, it is important that it is connected correctly. ...