bacteria,bacterium- (microbiology) single-celled or noncellular spherical or spiral or rod-shaped organisms lacking chlorophyll that reproduce by fission; important as pathogens and for biochemical properties; taxonomy is difficult; often considered to be plants ...
Thecamoebians (testate amoebae) are microscopic, single-celled organisms that build a mineralized shell which is preserved in the fossil record. They are found in all freshwater environments, including those with sufficient moisture such as tree bark, wet moss, wet soil, and peatlands. In the...
3. Protoctists are typically microscopic single-celled organisms, such as the amebas, but the group also has large multicellar members, for example the seaweeds and other large algae, some of which are sometimes classified as plants. 原生生物是典型的单细胞生物,显微镜下才可见,如阿米巴。但也有多...
In the ocean,microscopicphytoplankton (tiny floating plants) and bacteria (simple, single-celled organisms) are the principal sources of organic matter that is trapped and buried in sediment. 在海洋中,微小的浮游植物(微小的漂浮植物)和细菌(简单的单细胞生物)是被留在或是埋在沉积物中的有机物的主要...
Protozoa are single-celled organisms that often live in water or as parasites in other organisms. Unlike phytoplankton, protozoa are typically heterotrophic, meaning they obtain their nutrients by consuming other organisms. 4. Conclusion: Therefore, one microscopic plant is phytoplankton, and one ...
Lab2:AnimalandPlantCellsPurpose: To examine the differences between singlecelland multicellorganisms in terms ofAnimalandPlantcells. Question: What are the differences between multi and single celledplantandanimalorganisms? Prediction: SpirogyraCell: The parts of the spirogyracellthat will be visible ...
Protist - Diversity, Unicellular, Microscopic: Protists vary greatly in organization. Some are single-celled; others are syncytial (coenocytic; essentially a mass of cytoplasm); and still others are multicellular. (While protists may show multicellularit
Foraminifera are microscopic (typically smaller than 1 mm) single-celled marine organisms (protists) that are ubiquitous in marine environments. During their life cycle, they construct shells from various materials that readily fossilize in sediments, which can be extracted and examined. Roughly 50,00...
dinoflagellate, (division Dinoflagellata), any of numerous one-celled aquatic organisms bearing two dissimilarflagellaand having characteristics of both plants and animals. Most are marine, though some live in freshwater habitats. The group is an important component ofphytoplanktonin all but the colder...
Many single-celled organisms use this same process -- chemotaxis lets motile cells move toward higher concentrations of a chemical. Once a neutrophil finds a foreign particle or a bacteria it will engulf it, releasing enzymes, hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals from its granules to kill the ...