Modelling the effects of climate change on the interaction between bacteria and phages with a temperature-dependent lifecycle switch Andrew Morozov ,Areej Ageel &Edouard Galyov Article 21 February 2025|Open Access SiO2nanoparticles as disruptors of endogenous resolution mechanisms of inflammatory responses ...
In this study, the authors show that bacteria have potentially evolved an altruistic trait to auto-degrade after death, thus permitting population nutrient recycling. Savannah E. R. Gibson Isabella Frost Martin J. Cann ResearchOpen Access13 Feb 2025 Nature Communications Volume: 16, P: 1400 ...
Another type of Deltaproteobacteria,myxobacteria, lives in the soil, scavenging inorganic compounds. Motile and highly social, they interact with other bacteria within and outside their own group. They can form multicellular, macroscopic “fruiting bodies” (Figure 8), structures that are still being ...
While useful in most circumstances, the physiological characteristics of bacteria are mutable and not always consistent within a given species. Phenotypic identification can, moreover, be tedious, subjective, and inconclusive when conflicting results are obtained. Even with the aid of semiautomated or ...
Table 1. General characteristics, examples, and ecological properties of micro- and macroparasites Empty CellMicroparasitesMacroparasites Representative taxa Viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, microsporidians Helminths (e.g., nematodes, cestodes, and acanthocephalans), arthropods (e.g., mites, ticks,...
Thus, it is intriguing that the two major infecting bacteria of the CF lung are able to produce cyanide. The variation in cyanide levels was strain rather than species specific, as is the pathogenicity of members of the Bcc in CF lung infection [4] and in the pathogenicity to C. ...
Print ISSN:1687-918X © John Wiley & Sons Ltd All articles International Journal of Microbiologyis an open access journal publishing papers on microorganisms and their interaction with hosts and the environment. The journal covers all microbes, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, archaea, and proto...
Additional file 1: Table S1: Identification of strains in the 4-aminopyridine-degrading enrichment culture. Table S2. 16S rRNA gene analysis of the predominant bacteria in the 4-aminopyridine-degrading enrichment culture. (PDF 75 KB) 12866_2013_1948_MOESM2_ESM.pdf Additional file 2: Figure S1:...
Light-dependent modulation of protein localization and function in living bacteria cells Bacterial proteins are often recruited to specific subcellular locations to carry out their functions. Here, the authors use the optogenetic CRY2-CIB1 system to re-direct proteins to different subcellular locations,...
Probing nanomotion of single bacteria with graphene drums Motion is a key characteristic of every form of life. In this work, the authors use graphene drums to probe the nanomotion of a single bacterium and develop a new way for performing antibiotic susceptibility testing with single-cell resoluti...