methods and recipes describing the production of medium whether this be from a commercial manufacturer ormade up in-house. The quality of reagents which goes into the medium including water pH and ion content must also be clearly set out and methods for measurement and if necessary rejection of...
Methods for the microbiological examination of food - Preparation of media, diluents and reagentsStandards Australia
被引量: 42 摘要: The present invention relates to methods and media for the isolation and prospective identification of various bacteria. In particular, microorganisms generally associated with urinary tract infections are distinguished on the basis of their colony shape and color.收藏...
Standard Methods: Microbiological SM-PR-681 Revision: 03-Dec-2010 Page 1 of 5 Classified - Internal use *Refer to Media Preparation and Handling, SM-PR-641更多:, for preparing culture media. 翻译结果(简体中文)1: ...
Corrigendum to “A new method for monitoring the extracellular proteolytic activity of wine yeasts during alcoholic fermentation of grape must” [J. Microbiol. Methods 119 (2015) 176–179] Laura Chasseriaud, Cécile Miot-Sertier, Joana Coulon, Nerea Iturmendi, ... Marina Bely ...
system, J. Microbiol. Methods (2010), doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2010.08.014 2.2. Bacterial identification, antibiotic susceptibility and analysis of MBL- producing isolates The clinical samples were cultured in appropriate media. Identi- fication of bacterial species was carried out using an automated...
A method comprising obtaining a preparation unit comprising a filter module and a collection for each liquid coming from the filter module, with the filter module comprising an inlet compartment as well as an evacuation compartment for the liquids, the filter and collection modules being rotatably ...
Microbiology is the use of biological, biochemical or chemical methods to detect, identify and enumerate microorganisms. How does Microbiology Work? Microorganisms can be studied using a range of technologies, most commonly microbial cultures, immunoassays –such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (...
2.4Methods based on microbiological parameters The methods discussed in this section can be divided into two groups: those based on measurements of indicator bacteria concentrations, and the more recent methods developed formicrobial source tracking(MST). ...
The availability of microbiological reference materials (RMs), including certified reference materials (CRMs), provides facility for laboratories to monitor the precision and accuracy of their qualitative and quantitative routine laboratory methods and thereby to demonstrate ‘fitness for purpose.’ More spec...