Need microbiology kit? Come to ELEX Biological. As a famous china microbiology sample test kit manufacturer, ELEX has passed strict assessment of quality management and can assure you with high-quality food hygiene testing kit, pharmaceutical products an
HY-LiTE Rapid Microbial Test 所在地 上海市松江区金高路2388号813室 联系电话 86-021-20228098 手机 13391171050 销售经理 张婕请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多 请卖家联系我 详细介绍 The HY-LiTE® Rapid Microbial Test for Fuel Systems is an instrumentbasedrapid test kit for detecting ATP associated with ...
The Sani-Check BC Test Kit makes the determination of total bacteria counts and total coliform counts fast and simple. One side of the paddle is selective specifically for coliforms and the other side is selective for bacteria. The dipslide is dipped into the test fluid, returned to the vial...
Another helpful test dedicated to assessing a chemical decontamination method is Breakthrough Survival (BTS), which measures the failure of a chemical biocide to kill 106vegetative organisms within 1 min. This time duration was chosen as the expected time for a chemical biocide to dry once applied...
All samples was quantified via the Qubit Quant-iT dsDNA Broad-Range Kit (Invitrogen, Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY) to ensure that they met minimum concentration and mass of DNA and submitted to either Second Genome (San Fransisco, CA) or University of Minnesota Genomic Center (...
Total genomic DNA of CLS (5 g fresh weight, in duplicate) was extracted by using an ISOIL bead-beating kit (Nippon Gene Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) according to the manufac- turer's instructions. We used different extraction methods for CLS because the former method cannot remove humic ...
kit-based sample extraction, although it may not be compatible with all molecular data types (e.g., metabolomics, proteomics). Other commercial entities have developed kits that can be used as part of an integrated microbiome profiling service. For example, uBiome offers a swab-based kit with...
Genomic DNA of soil microbes was extracted using the DNeasy PowerSoil Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s instruction. The quality and quantity of extracted DNA were assessed by NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington, USA). The PCR amplificatio...
DNA was extracted from the aggregates using the PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit (MoBio Laboratories, Carlsbad, CA, USA). The selected aggregates of a group were resuspended in equal portions of the PowerSoil buffer for a single reaction. The soil- lysis buffer suspension was then returned to the...
B36 g (wet weight) plankton (0.21–1 mm) collected Amplicons were cloned into a pCR4 TOPO vector from Oregon coastal waters was added to the anode and transformed into chemically competent Escher- chamber of each cell (we deliberately conducted ichia coli (TOPO TA cloning kit, Invitrogen Inc...