Microbial degradation of chitin materials by Trichoderma virens UKM1. Journal of Biological Science. 2008; 8(1): 52-59.ABD-AZIZ, S.; SIN, T.L.; ALITHEEN, N.; SHAHAB, N.; KAMARUDDIN, K. Microbial degradation of chitinmaterials by Trichoderma virens UKM1. Journal of Biological Sciences,...
摘要: Chitin is produced in enormous quantities in the biosphere, chiefly as the major structural component of most fungi and invertebrates. Its degradation is chiefly by bacteria and fungi, by...关键词:biodegradation chitin chitin deactylase chitinase chitosan chitosanase ...
Anaerobic chitinolytic complex was studied in three soil types: chernozem, gray forest soil, and chestnut soil. The abundance and biomass of anaerobic chitinolytic microbial complex of fungi, bacteria, and actinomycetes were evaluated by luminescent microscopy. The dynamics of methane emission from ...
Whereas the surface morphology before degradation (original) was very smooth, the surfaces of the samples after placement on the shore or the deep-sea floor were observed to be uneven, and degradation was in progress. This kind of degradation that creates unevenness on the surface of the ...
Cellulose is the most abundant renewable biomass raw material in nature and has great potential to solve the energy crisis. However, the comprehensive utilization rate of cellulose is low due to its complex structure, which is difficult to degrade. The degradation of cellulose by microorganism is ...
During the first part of the incubation, numbers of unicellular chitinolytic bacteria also increased, but their contribution to chitin degradation was indicated to be of minor importance. During prolonged incubation, colony forming units (CFU) of chitinolytic streptomycetes and/or slow-growing fungi ...
The microbial diversity of sediments present in SMFC was analyzed. The bacterial groups identified, mainly Aminicenantia and Deltaproteobacteria, offer metabolic capacities to participate in the degradation of organic matter in the presence of chitin. Therefore, bacterial groups (including electroactive ...
were found in 16S rRNA gene clone them central organisms in the decomposition of libraries from the same site (Severin et al., 2010), carbon, notably in the degradation of chitin, the confirming our observations. The PSB showed second most abundant organic substance in nature a climax ...
C-labeled chitin obtained from the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus: Boyer, J.N. and H.I. Kator, 1985. Microb. Ecol., 11(3):185–192. Dept. of Estuar. and Coastal Ecol., Coll. of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, VA 23062, USAShow moreShow less...
In addition to elucidating the degradation of complex carbon substrates by microorganisms in sediments, we further examined the enzymes employed by these microorganisms for the utilization of small carbon compounds, including carbon monoxide (CO), methanol, formaldehyde, lactate, acetate, and propionate ...