Michael Porter 麦克波特 - What is Strategy 什么是战略搜索 A R T I C L EWhat Is Strategy?by Michael E.PorterP R O D U C T N U M B E R 4 1 3 4New sections toguide you throughthe article:• The Idea in Brief• The Idea at Work• Exploring Further . . .Rivals can eas...
内容提示: A R T I C L EWhat Is Strategy?by Michael E.PorterP R O D U C T N U M B E R 4 1 3 4New sections toguide you throughthe article:• The Idea in Brief• The Idea at Work• Exploring Further . . .Rivals can easily copy your improvements in quality and ...
What is Strategy? Michael E. Porter Harvard Business Review, NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1996 I. Operational Effectiveness Is Not Strategy For almost two decades, managers have been learning to play by a new set of rules. Companies must be flexible to respond rapidly to competitive and market changes. The...
_ = Michael E. Porter是马萨诸塞州波士顿哈佛商学院的C. Roland Christensen工商管理教授。 “哈佛商业评论”的版权归哈佛商学院出版公司所有,未经版权所有者的明确书面许可,不得复制其内容,但用于访问的检索软件的打印或下载功能除外。此内容仅供个人用户使用。 资料来源:哈佛商业评论,11月/ 12月,Vol。74第6期,...
Nanda, Ashish
A R T I C L EWhat Is Strategy?by Michael E.PorterP R O D U C T N U M B E R 4 1 3 4New sections toguide you throughthe article:• The Idea in Brief• The Idea at Work• Exploring Further . . .Rivals can easily copy your improvements in quality and efficiency.But the...
WhatIsStrategy? byMichaelE.Porter PRODUCTNUMBER4134 Newsectionsto guideyouthrough thearticle: •TheIdeainBrief •TheIdeaatWork •ExploringFurther... Rivalscaneasilycopy yourimprovements inqualityandefficiency. Buttheyshouldn’tbe abletocopyyourstrategic ...
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This can help you to develop a strategy to succeed. What is the difference between Porter's Five Forces and SWOT Analysis? While both Porter's Five Forces and SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis can be used to explore and define an organization's strategy, SWOT ...
Strategy may not be the most dynamic word in the business lexicon, but reports of its death as a core discipline are premature. The analytical approach to strategy first put forward in 1980 by Professor Michael E. Porter of the Harvard B... ME Porter - 《Measuring Business Excellence》 被...