Michael Porter 麦克波特 - What is Strategy 什么是战略搜索 A R T I C L EWhat Is Strategy?by Michael E.PorterP R O D U C T N U M B E R 4 1 3 4New sections toguide you throughthe article:• The Idea in Brief• The Idea at Work• Exploring Further . . .Rivals can eas...
Nanda, Ashish
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_ = Michael E. Porter是马萨诸塞州波士顿哈佛商学院的C. Roland Christensen工商管理教授。 “哈佛商业评论”的版权归哈佛商学院出版公司所有,未经版权所有者的明确书面许可,不得复制其内容,但用于访问的检索软件的打印或下载功能除外。此内容仅供个人用户使用。 资料来源:哈佛商业评论,11月/ 12月,Vol。74第6期,...
A R T I C L EWhat Is Strategy?by Michael E.PorterP R O D U C T N U M B E R 4 1 3 4New sections toguide you throughthe article:• The Idea in Brief• The Idea at Work• Exploring Further . . .Rivals can easily copy your improvements in quality and efficiency.But the...
Three important book of Michael E Porter :Competitive Strategy:Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors;The Competitive Advantage of Nations and .迈克尔. 波特 的“战略三部曲”是:竞争战略:行业和竞争对手分析法;国家竞争优势;以及 。 A.竞争优势:创造并保持优秀绩效 Competitive Advantage:Creating ...
A R T I C L EWhat Is Strategy?by Michael E.PorterP R O D U C T N U M B E R 4 1 3 4New sections toguide you throughthe article:• The Idea in Brief• The Idea at Work• Exploring Further . . .Rivals can easily copy your improvements in quality and efficiency.But ...
迈克尔. 波特 的“战略三部曲”是: Three important book of Michael E Porter : A、竞争战略:行业和竞争对手分析法 Competitive Strategy:Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors B、竞争优势:创造并保持优秀绩效 Competitive Advantage:Creating an...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现Competitive Strategy竞争战略 英文原版 Michael E. Porter(的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于Competitive Strategy竞争战略 英文原版 Michael E. Porter(的信息,请来淘宝深
WhatIsStrategy? byMichaelE.Porter PRODUCTNUMBER4134 Newsectionsto guideyouthrough thearticle: •TheIdeainBrief •TheIdeaatWork •ExploringFurther... Rivalscaneasilycopy yourimprovements inqualityandefficiency. Buttheyshouldn’tbe abletocopyyourstrategic ...