Hyper Monster Bonex2 Large Snowclodx4 Commendation Gx1 Pokke Ticketx2 ― Hyper Scrapx2 Ledge Axe LV5 35,000z Eltalite Orex6 Prized Peltx4 Anteka Proud Antlerx4 Pokke Ticket Gx1 Axledge Icerunner LV6 37,500z Hyper MnstrToughbonex2
Hyper Monster Bone25% Hyper Toxin25% Hard Armor Sphere12% Hyper Extract10% Lazurite Jewel8% Heavy Armor Sphere8% Timeworn Charm7% Shining Charmx25% Reward3 Hyper Hunter IIx275% Hyper Hunter IIx325% Hunt 1 Hyper Monster Bonex250%
6Heavy Armor Sphere 7 Heavy Armor Sphere Nakarkos Soul Orb 8 True Armor Sphere Hyper MnstrToughbone HR Nakarkos Materialsx10 9True Armor Sphere 10 True Armor Sphere Nakarkos Azurehide GR Nakarkos Materialsx1071 v•d•e Armor in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate ...
Notes: Must complete two Hyper Monster Quests to unlock. Nibeling on Apples 幻のハップル? Main Objective: Hunt a Hyper Nibelsnarf Location: Dunes Time Limit: 50 min. Environment: Stable Reward: 7800z HR Points: 520 Subquest Reward: 2100z Subquest HR Points: 50 Contract Fee: 800z Su...
Village 10★ // Advanced: Guild's Greatest Hit Hyper 7,986 HP x1.50 x6.80 x0.90 x1.30 x1.50 x1.60 F. Seaway Area6 Hub 6★ // Bedevil a Deviljho 8,184 ~ 8,976 HP x1.60 x3.70 x0.85 x1.30 x1.60 x1.60 Volcano Area6 Hub 7★ // You Bet Your Life 8,580 HP x1.70 x3.70 x0....
Hyper Hunter IIx225% Reward4 EX Brachydios Ticket50% EX Brachydios Ticketx250% Sub Hyper Monster Bone45% Hyper Catalyst45% Hyper Extract10% Size Brachydios 1,339.181% 1,354.401% 1,369.621% 1,384.841% 1,400.061% 1,415.271% 1,430.491% ...
Monster Bone Mx220% Flame Sac20% Giant Beak3% Wound Head Kut-Ku Ear60% Kut-Ku Scalex320% Kut-Ku Earx220% High Rank Capture Kut-Ku Carapace38% Monster Keenbone25% Screamer Sacx212% Inferno Sac12% Kut-Ku Shellx210% Splendid Beak3% ...
Advanced: Monster Hunter! Rathalos Tigrex Nargacuga Rajang 5,082 HP 6,050 HP 5,082 HP 5,445 HP Hunt all large monsters 2,010HRP None Marathon Arena Advanced: Proof of a Champion Hyper Lagiacrus Brachydios Hyper Rathalos 6,255 HP 5,445 HP 5,838 HP Hunt all large monsters 1,82...
Monster Toughbone15% Basarios Tears10% Weapon Heavy BowgunRare 4Rock Eater Light BowgunRare 4Grenade Launcher Long SwordRare 4Gigant Makra Hunting HornRare 4Basarios Rock LanceRare 4Venom Lance HammerRare 5Basarios Blow Size: 1,426.50
Hyper Seregios Scale X 23% Seregios Slavescale+ 8% Seregios Airblade+ 8% Seregios Breacher+ 8% Seregios Dissenter 6% Monster Slogbone x2 6% Seregios Lens 5% Seregios Carver+ x2 5% Seregios Scraper+ x2 5% Reward2 Potent Hyper Extract 100% Hyper Solidclaw 25% Hyper MnstrSlogbone 25% Tru...