Hunt all large monsters 2,060HRP None Marathon Forlorn Arena Advanced: Ultimate Generation Hyper Glavenus Hyper Astalos Hyper Mizutsune Hyper Gammoth Valstrax 5,332 HP 5,580 HP 5,704 HP 6,200 HP 7,535 HP Hunt all large monsters 2,760HRP None Prowler Gather V. Hills Lucky Hills...
Unfortunately, there aren't any master hunters around to train the newcomers how to hunt Hyper Monsters. Care to show them the ropes? - Fire Country Princess Unbridled Rage その怒り、制止不能 Main Objective: Hunt 2 Savage Deviljho Location: Arena Time Limit: 50 min. Environment: Stable...
Monsters: ? Description: Giaprey are clever carnivores. Super-fast on their feet, too. And you know what else? They've got a big, bad boss, called a Giadrome! Can you show me some badass moves that'll teach it a lesson and send 'em all packing? - Sprightly Boy Snow with Occasi...