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`mget` 是 Linux 中 `ftp` 命令的一个子命令,用于批量下载文件。以下是关于 `mget` 命令的基础概念、优势、类型、应用场景以及常见问题的解答。 ### 基础概念 `mget` ...
Management and Tools Command-Line Reference Ftp Auf Englisch lesen Speichern Zu Sammlungen hinzufügen Zu Plan hinzufügen Freigeben über Facebook x.com LinkedIn E-Mail Drucken Ftp: mget Artikel 31.08.2016 In diesem Artikel Syntax Parameters Examples Additional references ...
Linux基础命令---mget获取ftp文件 mget使用lftp登录mftp服务器之后,可以使用mget指令从服务器获取文件。mget指令可以使用通配符,而get指令则不可以。1、语法mget[-E][-a][-c][-d][-Obase]rfile2、选项列表选项说明-d创建与文件名字相同的目录,将文件存放于此-c如果失败,持续获取-E获取之后,删除源文件-a使用as...
FTP: 3885 byte(s) received in 0.174 second(s) 22.32Kbyte(s)/sec. 200 Port command okay. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 2.txt. 226 Transfer complete. FTP: 8721 byte(s) received in 0.179 second(s) 48.72Kbyte(s)/sec. 200 Port command okay. 150 Opening ASCII mode data ...
FTP: 3885 byte(s) received in 0.174 second(s) 22.32Kbyte(s)/sec. 200 Port command okay. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 2.txt. 226 Transfer complete. FTP: 8721 byte(s) received in 0.179 second(s) 48.72Kbyte(s)/sec. 200 Port command okay. 150 Opening ASCII mode data ...
Ftp: mget Applies To: Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 Copies remote files to the local computer using the current file transfer type. For examples of how this command can be used, seeExamples....
mget(s,contents)retrieves the files or folders specified bycontentsfrom the SFTP or FTP server associated withsinto the MATLAB®current folder. example mget(s,contents,target)retrieves the files or folders into the local folder specified by the absolute or relative path intarget. If the local...
mget(s,contents)retrieves the files or folders specified bycontentsfrom the SFTP or FTP server associated withsinto the MATLAB®current folder. example mget(s,contents,target)retrieves the files or folders into the local folder specified by the absolute or relative path intarget. If the local...