31.mget remote-files传输多个远程文件。 32.mkdir dir-name 在远程主机中建一目录。 33.mls remote-file local-file同nlist,但可指定多个文件名。 34.mode[mode-name]将文件传输方式设置为mode-name,缺省为stream方式。 35.modtime file-name显示远程主机文件的最后修改时间。
If thepromptcommand is run again in the FTP client view, the file transfer notification function is disabled. NOTE: Thepromptcommand applies when themputormgetcommand is used to upload or download files. If the local device has the files to be downloaded by running themgetcommand, the s...
步骤一:路由器R1创建ip地址 [R1]int g0/0/0 ip address 步骤二:路由器R2创建ip地址 [R2]int g0/0/0 ip address 2.配置配置telnet和ftp并创建用户名与密码 步骤一:路由器R1配置telnet [R1]telnet server enable //开启telnet [R1]ftp server enable ...
get remote-filename [ local-filename ] or mget remote-filenames The get command downloads a single file. The mget command downloads multiple files at a time. Set the data transmission mode to ASCII. ascii Run only one of the commands. By default, the data transmission mode is ASCII...
Ftp>promptusesmput/mgetwithoutaskingeachfileforyes/no Ftp>quitendsFTPwork. Ftp>byeendsFTPwork,justlikequit. Note:thefiletransferfromPCtoworkstationcanalsobeused forfiletransferundertheFTPcommandatthePCsideWIN95 Approximatelythesameasdescribedabove. ...
If interactive prompting is on, ftp will prompt the user to verify that the last argument is indeed the target local file for receiving mdir output. mget remote-files Expand the remote-files on the remote machine and do a get for each file name thus produced. See glob for details on ...
ftp> mget f* And use the following command to put all files beginning with "z" to the remote system: ftp> mput *.z Anonymous FTP best practices Many sites support FTP but not all permit anonymous transfers. In such cases, users should not try to get files from the system unless they...
With mget you can download multiple images. This command downloads all files that end with ".jgp". ftp> mput *.jpg Uploads all files that end with ".jgp". ftp> mdelete *.jpg Deletes all files that end with ".jgp". ftp> prompt ...
We use the mget command on a windows server to retrieve files from a HP-UX 11.31 server. Some days it works fine and other times the ftp process will hang and we have to abort the process. If I use Relection FTP to download the files it works fine. Any thoughts on why the command...
when you login, use '-i' option ex) ftp -i ftp.test.com ftp>cd [taget directory] ftp>mput * and try 'mput' or 'mget' Now, ftpd won't ask a confirmation. Another way: ftp> prompt Interactive mode off. ftp> prompt Interactive mode on. ftp>...