Auckland Central weather forecast, two hourly data, maps, rain radar and current conditions. MetService is New Zealand’s national weather authority, providing accurate town, city and rural forecasts across the country.
Wind: In the last 10minsRain, humidity, and pressure: Latest hourly observation Whenuapai Automatic Weather Station (93098) 24.2° Feels like 24° 27° 16° Clothing1 layers0 windproof WindModerate 17km/h NEGusts 28km/h Humidity59% Pressure1024hPaStable Observations by MetService Auckland Rain...
Severe Weather Outlook View all severe weather My Favourite You don't have a favourite location yet Today 16 Feb NA° NA° How to add your location to the homepage Current Extremes Highest Milford Sound21.6° Lowest St Arnaud12.0° Windiest Auckland (North Shore)35km/h Wettest Paeroa1.0mm...
View all severe weather My Favourite You don't have a favourite location yet Today 12 Feb NA° NA° How to add your location to the homepage Current Extremes Highest Auckland (North Shore)21.1° Lowest Eltham6.0° Windiest Chatham Is.26km/h Wettest Wairoa0.8mm Keys Kaitaia19° Whangāre...
Wind: In the last 10minsRain, humidity, and pressure: Latest hourly observation Auckland Aero Automatic Weather Station (93110) 19° Feels like 19° 25° 18° Clothing1 layers0 windproof WindLight winds 13km/h EGusts 17km/h Harbour BridgeModerate 20km/h EGusts 33km/h Rainfall0.0mm Humid...
Metservice NZ Weather是由新西兰气象服务有限公司提供的一款全面且准确的天气预报应用。它以其详尽的天气信息、高准确性的预报以及及时的极端天气预警而广受好评。 一、全面详尽的天气信息 Metservice NZ Weather提供了包括温度、风速、风向、湿度、降雨概率等在内的多种天气信息。用户不...
more access to data like wind maps, tides, lightning. The radar map is extremely low detail and doesn’t even provide a location. It would be great to provide minute-casts with weather like Auckland in the winter. Also the video plays through the ringer volume which is just bad ...
MetService NZ Weather Features include: - Morning, afternoon, evening and overnight icons for 47 forecast areas, set by our meteorologists, to help you plan y…
Anticyclones and New Zealand weather patternsWhen we see a large anticyclone on a weather map, most of us think of sunny days and light winds. In fact, anticyclones often have a full hat of tricks, including overcast skies, drizzle, thunderstorms, flash floods and even gales. (Above) ...
The devil number and frost bedevils us with a six degree ground frost at Henderson in west Auckland. Satellite image and map from MetService. The satellite picture and weather map on right show a typical winter frosty morning in New Zealand. Note that the “cold southwesterly” isobars over...