Auckland Central Maps & Radar View all maps & radar 3 day rain forecast Tasman surface pressure Your weather Rain radar Auckland Tides Overview LOCATION HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH Auckland - 01:410.8m 08:113.1m 14:060.9m 20:253.0m Onehunga - 05:200.8m 11:354.0m 17:460.8m 23:573.9m ...
View all severe weather My Favourite You don't have a favourite location yet Today 12 Feb NA° NA° How to add your location to the homepage Current Extremes Highest Auckland (North Shore)21.1° Lowest Eltham6.0° Windiest Chatham Is.26km/h Wettest Wairoa0.8mm Keys Kaitaia19° Whangāre...
Video Forecast Short Forecast Extended Forecast Weather News Video Forecast See more video forecasts Short Forecast Northland, Auckland, Coromandel Peninsula, Bay of Plenty and Taupo Partly cloudy. Waikato to Kapiti, including Taumarunui and Taihape Areas of morning cloud and isolated light showers,...
An example was the MetService response to the extreme weather events in early 2023 when the Auckland Anniversary storm and Cyclone Gabrielle tested the nation like never before. MetService not only surged its capacity within the Forecast Centre around the clock to deliver enhanced engagement, but als...
3 day rain forecast Tasman surface pressure Your weather Rain radar Hunua Tides Overview LOCATIONHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGH Maraetai03:3709:4015:4222:02- Auckland03:522.7m09:551.3m15:572.7m22:171.1m- Onehunga-00:281.6m06:583.2m13:191.7m19:273.2m
MetService NZ Weather Features include: - Morning, afternoon, evening and overnight icons for 47 forecast areas, set by our meteorologists, to help you plan y…
year is spent effectively as an internship. As a paid intern you will spend time in one of three main areas of the forecast room (public, marine or aviation) where you’ll work alongside our meteorologists on shift in MetService’s national forecasting centre in our Wellington or Auckland ...
Well before this event, when meteorologists at MetService were asked “What would be the worst weather scenario to impact Aotearoa New Zealand?” A tropical cyclone on the track that Gabrielle took was what was described! One that hit a large number of regions including Auckland. The sheer numb...
7am Lovely 8am Lovely 9am Lovely Auckland Traffic Cameras North Shore Maps & Radar North Shore Tides Overview Video Forecast Sun & Moon Current Extremes Yesterday's Extremes Weather News North Shore Maps & Radar View all maps & radar 3 day rain forecast Tasman surface pressure Your weather Ra...
Waipara weather forecast, two hourly data, maps, rain radar and current conditions. MetService is New Zealand’s national weather authority, providing accurate town, city and rural forecasts across the country.