life-threatening side effects. You should only receive methotrexate injection to treat life-threatening cancer, or certain other conditions that are very severe and that cannot be treated with other medications.Talk to your doctor about the risks of receiving methotrexate...
life-threatening side effects. You should only receive methotrexate injection to treat life-threatening cancer, or certain other conditions that are very severe and that cannot be treated with other medications.Talk to your doctor about the risks of receiving methotrexate injection for your condition.T...
部份中文甲氨喋呤处方资料(仅供参考)药品名称:甲氨喋呤注射液汉语拼音:Jia‘andieling Zhusheye英文名:Methotrexate剂型:注射剂主要成分本品主要成分为甲氨喋呤。适应症适用于急性白血病、乳腺癌、绒毛膜上皮癌及恶性葡萄胎、头颈部肿瘤、骨肿瘤、白血病脑膜脊髓浸润、肺癌、生殖系统肿瘤、肝癌、顽固性普通牛皮癣、自体免...