METHOD FOR ISOLATION OF BACTERIA IN BLOOD AND INSTRUMENT FOR CARRYING OUT THE METHOD.The present invention relates to a process for isolating bacteria from blood. According to this method, the blood mixture to be examined to a liquid containing a hemolytic reagent and an anticoagulant. The ...
The invention uses an expansible membrane on which the tissue cell or bacteria sample is placed and thereafter expanded to cause the sample to be separated. Apparatus is disclosed for facilitating stretching of the membrane and automatically scanning it....
A simplified method for the isolation and study of obligate anaerobic bacteria in Petri dishesNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/path.1700780134D. A. A. MosselG von GOLSTEIN BROUWERSA. S. De BruinJ Pathol BacteriolThe Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology...
of tissue plus 5 ml. of distilled water. Coarse particles are allowed to settle for 2 minutes; the supernatant is thereafter treated in what is essentially the same way as that used for liquids. Six ten-fold dilutions are made, a sepa...关键词:...
The invention relates to a method and a kit for the isolation of genomic DNA, proteins, and polar and non-polar metabolites from a single biological sample. BACKGROUND Microbial communities are vital for the functioning of all eco-systems. At present, the vast majority of microorganisms are con...
Blood is considered to be a sterile microenvironment, in which bacteria appear only periodically. Previously used methods allowed only for the detection of either viable bacteria with low sensitivity or selected species of bacteria. The Next-Generation Sequencing method (NGS) enables the identification ...
New micromanipulator and methods for the isolation of a single bacterium and the manipulation of living cells Barbels method for the isolation of bacteria by means of mechanically operated pipets has been used with considerable success, not only in the branch for which Barber primarily intended it,...
Isolation Bacteria by Use the Principle of Magnetic Separation磁泳分离细菌新方法的研究 There are similarities between magnetotactic bacteria and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (A. ferrooxidans) which isolated from Acid mine drainage(AMD). The... LIU Xinxing,XIE Jianping,LIU Wenbin,... - 《中国生物工程...
Thomas et al., "A Fast CTAB Method of Human DNA Isolation for Polymerase Chain Reaction Applications," Biochemical Education 25(4): 233-235 (1997) Wu et al., "Cationization of Cellulose Fabrics by Polyallylamine Binding," Journal of Applied Polymer Science 100: 1668-1672 (2006)(hereinafter...
A roll-tube method was developed in which agar medium was distributed as a thin layer over the internal surface of test tubes charged with an anaerobic atmosphere for the isolation of obligately anaerobic bacteria of the rumen. In the roll-tube method, exposure of bacteria and culture medium ...