Bitter metallictaste(zopiclone). ■ Gastrointestinal disturbances, including nausea and vomiting. ■ Incoordination. ■ Drowsiness,dizziness,headacheand fatigue. ■ Depression, confusion,amnesia. ■ There is only anecdotal evidence for tolerance.
Strong metallic, slimy taste, with flow of saliva Taste; sweetish≡ more ... ▲ THROAT Throat Choking, constricting; larynx; during cough (see cough choking)≡ more ... ▲ CHEST Chest Heart; Angina pectoris Slow pulse; or hard, full and quick Palpitation, precordial anxiety and pain Fat...
vomiting; in alcoholics vomiting; during headache vomiting; never ending vomiting; in women; during pregnancy vomiting; on movement vomiting; bile during cough with headache vomiting; bitter vomiting; black vomiting; like coffee beans vomiting; dark vomiting; frothy vomiting; green vomiting; mucus vomi...
另类音乐 · 1995年 歌曲 时长 1 The Abandoned Hospital Ship 3:38 2 Psychiatric Explorations of the Fetus With Needles 3:28 3 Placebo Headwound 3:40 4 This Here Giraffe 3:46 5 Brainville 3:13 6 Guy Who Got a Headache and Accidentally Saves the World ...
Headache Violent pain in head; worse at night, outward pressure Pain in bones extending to face Pain, headache from cold (including cold parts); from cold air with running or blocked nose; blowing nose from exertion; mental exertion bones tearing, rending top of head (vertex) Scalp Boils on...
Headache Headache from the smallest quantity of wine Occipital pain, with weight on vertex Brain-fag; headaches of overtaxed school children Pain, headache air; open (see walking in open air) affected by certain foods and drinks (improved, brought on or aggravated); from wine from emotions; ...
另类音乐 · 1995年 歌曲 时长 1 The Abandoned Hospital Ship 3:38 2 Psychiatric Explorations of the Fetus With Needles 3:28 3 Placebo Headwound 3:40 4 This Here Giraffe 3:46 5 Brainville 3:13 6 Guy Who Got a Headache and Accidentally Saves the World ...
Headache Stinging headache Hammering, pulsating, congestive headache; pain extends to teeth, with cold extremities Pain in Back of head, with roaring in neck Pain, headache constant constant; two or three days hammering pain must lie down from certain movements; on moving head recurring headache; ...