From taste receptors to the brain Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a French lawyer, politician, and famous gastronomer stated, “Smell andtasteare in fact but a single composite sense, whose laboratory is the mouth and its chimney the nose,” indicating that the mouth performs the act of tasting...
▲ MOUTH Mouth Difficult dentition ; child weak; cold and restless feet. Gums and teeth Teeth loose Gums bleed Gnashing of teeth Teeth looseness pain; molars pain; upper teeth pain; lower teeth Tongue Blisters on tongue Taste Bloody taste≡ more ... ...
Facial expressions; smiling; in sleep Insecure, uncertain, scared anxiety anxiety; when alone anxiety; when in company anxiety; before stool fear; of being alone (see company) fear; of others approaching fear; work; of dread Restlessness, nervousness during headache sunlight Unconsciousness between ...
时长 1 The Abandoned Hospital Ship 3:38 2 Psychiatric Explorations of the Fetus With Needles 3:28 3 Placebo Headwound 3:40 4 This Here Giraffe 3:46 5 Brainville 3:13 6 Guy Who Got a Headache and Accidentally Saves the World 4:29 ...
Gums and teeth Ulceration of gums. Taste Taste putrid or bitter Palate Decay; palate (roof of mouth) Growths, blisters, swellings ulcers; palate (roof of mouth) ulcers; palate (roof of mouth); syphilitic≡ more ... ▲ THROAT Throat Stitches when swallowing; pain in glands Caries of the...
Froth, foam, from mouth Tongue Constant protrusion and retraction of the tongue, like a snake ( Lachesis Lach.) Paralysis of tongue Dryness; tongue Taste Strong metallic, slimy taste, with flow of saliva Taste; sweetish≡ more ... ▲ THROAT Throat Choking, constricting; larynx; during cough...
时长 1 The Abandoned Hospital Ship 3:38 2 Psychiatric Explorations of the Fetus With Needles 3:28 3 Placebo Headwound 3:40 4 This Here Giraffe 3:46 5 Brainville 3:13 6 Guy Who Got a Headache and Accidentally Saves the World 4:29 ...
▲ MOUTH Gums and teeth Pain in teeth; relieved by icy-cold water Discoloration; gums; pale Taste Earthy, paste taste, like rotten eggs.≡ more ... ▲ CHEST Chest Heart; Palpitation; worse, movement Sense of oppression Anaemic murmur Pulse full, but soft and yielding; also, small and wea...