Burj Khalifa is the tallest man-made structure in the world it uses a bundled tube design (which is a system that uses a number of interconnected tube frames) and a composite of steel and concrete to hit its record height. Approximately 39,000 tonnes of steel bar were needed for the cons...
Avoid or replace mercury amalgam dental fillings with mercury-free composite material Maintain nutrient sufficiency, as adequate intake of essential trace minerals may reduce toxic metal uptake Limit consumption of high-mercury fish to no more than 1 serving/week ...
Teeth that showed signs of enamel degradation, caries, tartar, or fillings on the vestibular surface, as well as fluorosis or hypoplasia, were excluded from the study. On the subsequent stage of the study, 147 premolars with intact vestibular surfaces were analyzed. Teeth from the study group ...