Ultra-high-resolution dual-source CT for forensic dental visuali- zation-discrimination of ceramic and composite fillings. Int J Legal Med 2008;122:301-317.Jackowski C, Wyss M, Persson A, Classens M, Thali MJ, Lussi A. Ultra-high-resolution dual-source CT for forensic dental visualization...
fillings, or severe attrition. The study was performed in accordance with ethical guidelines of Declaration of Helsiniki. To standardize the teeth’s size, a digital caliper (Titan Electronic Digital Caliper, Pennsylvania, USA)
Similar could be hypothesized for prosthetic restorations or fillings with luting/ filling gap near the marginal gingiva if the patients are non-compliant with self-performed plaque control [11]. Consequently, (1) several visits for PMPR are necessary in a patient’s lifetime to prevent (further...
After 48 months of clinical service, four restorations in four patients (three luted with Definite, one with Variolink) failed due to inlay fracture ( n =3) and tooth fracture ( n =1), all other fillings were clinically acceptable (survival rate 93.3% for Definite vs. 95.2% for Variolink...
0235 Marginal Quality of Resin Composite Fillings with or without Ceramic InsertsObjective: Ceramic inserts have been reported to reduce polymerization shrinkage within posterior resin composite restorations. The aim of the present in vitro study was to evaluate marginal and interfacial quality of ...
Fourteen interventions were needed (nine recementations, two endodontic treatments, two composite fillings, and one fracture polishing). The jaw position (maxilla/mandible, survival P = .578/success P = .056) had no influence on the clinical performance. EACVs covering large areas of exposed ...
Teeth that showed signs of enamel degradation, caries, tartar, or fillings on the vestibular surface, as well as fluorosis or hypoplasia, were excluded from the study. On the subsequent stage of the study, 147 premolars with intact vestibular surfaces were analyzed. Teeth from the study group ...