Metagrid Pipmanager helps you with this problem! It can scale into a trade by automatically adding to your winning trades. The more price goes in your favour, the more your trade size will be increased. If price goes against you, you are only with a small lot size in the trade. But ...
Metagrid is a perfect companion for all creative Mac/Windows users who work with complex software like graphic suites, digital audio workstations or video-editi…
MetaGrid Pro for Mac is your all-in-one tool for creating, customizing, and managing the ultimate touch control experience, seamlessly integrated with MetaGrid…
还在背快捷键?iPad 上的 Metagrid 应用表示 duck 不必 - 提升工作流程的最快方式,也许就是背快捷键和设置控制宏(Marco) 预设了。不过有一款名为 Metagrid 的 ... 来自 : @midifan 查看详细 : O网页链接 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转...
提升工作流程的最快方式,也许就是背快捷键和设置控制宏(Marco) 预设了。不过有一款名为 Metagrid 的 iPad 应用可以帮助你省去记忆和设置的步骤,通过触摸操作和直观的图标帮助你马上提高工作效率。 Metagrid 结合了键盘输入(快捷键)以及 MIDI 触发指令,从而实现功能的快速呼叫。Metagrid 的目标是让你打开应用就能使用,...
不过有一款名为 Metagrid 的 iPad 应用可以帮助你省去记忆和设置的步骤,通过触摸操作和直观的图标帮助你马上提高工作效率。 Metagrid 结合了键盘输入(快捷键)以及 MIDI 触发指令,从而实现功能的快速呼叫。Metagrid 的目标是让你打开应用就能使用,而不需要其他的控制器 App 需要自行映射。除了功能操作,该应用还有上百个...
Metagrid jquery widget jquery-plugin metagrid tobinski• 0.5.1 • 2 years ago • 0 dependents • Apache-2.0published version 0.5.1, 2 years ago0 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0 11Footer Support Help Advisories Status Contact npm Company About Blog Press Terms & Policies Policies Term...
npm install @metagrid/svelte-metagrid-widget // or yarn add @metagrid/svelte-metagrid-widget Usage Simply import the component into your project and use it. The component has no styles. So you have to add some css. import MetagridWidget from '@metagrid/svelte-metagrid-widget'; <MetagridWid...
提升工作流程的最快方式,也许就是背快捷键和设置控制宏(Marco) 预设了。不过有一款名为 Metagrid 的 iPad 应用可以帮助你省去记忆和设置的步骤,通过触摸操作和直观的图标帮助你马上提高工作效率。 Metagrid 结合了键盘输入(快捷键)以及 MIDI 触发指令,从而实现功能的快速呼叫。Metagrid 的目标是让你打开应用就能使用,...
Metagrid lets you control multiple pieces of software from a single iPad app. As a Cubase user who happens to own an iPad, I’m also a fan of Steinberg’s Cubase iC Pro app that provides a touchscreen remote control experience for Cubase running on my OS X desktop system. Of course, ...