简介 Metagrid is a perfect companion for all creative Mac/Windows users who work with complex software like graphic suites, digital audio workstations or video-editing software. It enables you to streamline your workflow and control your favourite apps on Mac/Windows directly from your iPads (up...
This is a live example of a grid trade one of your members made. One green candle activated the whole grid and gave a lot of profit. (The symbol changer is an external tool, it is not included in Metagrid software) The whole grid is in play ...
功能类型: 工具 简单介绍: 音乐软件快捷键应用 操作系统: 最高版本: 1.0 媒体价格: 29.99美元 下载信息: 试用版下载 软件详情 提升工作流程的最快方式,也许就是背快捷键和设置控制宏(Marco) 预设了。不过有一款名为 Metagrid 的 iPad 应用可以帮助你省去记忆和设置的步骤,通过触摸操作和直观的图标帮助...
Metagrid lets you control multiple pieces of software from a single iPad app. As a Cubase user who happens to own an iPad, I’m also a fan of Steinberg’s Cubase iC Pro app that provides a touchscreen remote control experience for Cubase running on my OS X desktop system. Of course, ...
$29.99 Description Metagrid is a perfect companion for all creative Mac/Windows users who work with complex software like graphic suites, digital audio workstations or video-editing software. It enables you to streamline your workflow and control your favourite apps on Mac/Windows directly from your...
$29.99 Description Metagrid is a perfect companion for all creative Mac/Windows users who work with complex software like graphic suites, digital audio workstations or video-editing software. It enables you to streamline your workflow and control your favourite apps on Mac/Windows directly from your...