中山大学智能工程学院智能医疗研究中心陈语谦教授带领的研究团队,在该领域的研究取得了重要突破,他们设计并提出了一种名为Meta-GAT的创新性元学习架构,专为解决低数据药物发现中分子特性预测的挑战。 陈语谦教授团队构建的Meta-GAT框架结合了先进的图注意力网络(GraphAttention Network,GAT)和元学习方法,以实现对低数据环...
To tackle the problem of preserving both structural and semantic information for HINs, we adopt a multiple meta-paths based random walk scheme with Skip-Gram for sampling and pre-training. In addition, the model involves graph attention networks to collect and aggregate heterogeneous information, ...
Similarly, in metapath instance-based graph transformation, the base structure of MIGTNet is a metapath instance and a link established through shared common nodes between two metapath instances. Additionally, it is important to control the density of a metapath instance-based graph to prevent ...
To tackle the problem of preserving both structural and semantic information for HINs, we adopt a multiple meta-paths based random walk scheme with Skip-Gram for sampling and pre-training. In addition, the model involves graph attention networks to collect and aggregate heterogeneous information, ...
"A Novel Universal Image Forensics Localization Model Based on Image Noise and Segment Anything Model." IH&MMSec (2024). [paper] [2024.06] SGF: Li, Guanlin and Zhao, Bin and Li, Xuelong. "Low-light Image Enhancement with SAM-based Structure Priors and Guidance." TMM (2024). [paper] [...
Open Graph Tags When sharing links sometimes an image and brief post description is automatically added. Open graph tags make that possible. These are useful when sharing content, but do not have any direct impact on SEO. So, these tags are useful, but not necessary. ...
A Survey on Large Language Model based Autonomous Agents, byLei Wang, Chen Ma, Xueyang Feng, Zeyu Zhang, Hao Yang, Jingsen Zhang, Zhiyuan Chen, Jiakai Tang et al. , byRay, Partha Pratim Large Language Models for Software Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review, ...
Meta-paths can be applied to explore the structure information and capture the rich semantic information in heterogeneous networks [33]. Zhang et al. [34] used meta-paths to directly extract features from miRNA-disease interactions. They only considered the length information of meta-paths. Differe...
The SMRT dataset has been made public including the PubChem numbers and SDF files representing their chemical structure [28], together with their experimental RT information. In this work, these chemical structures were used to obtain a wide variety of features describing relevant properties of the...
3模型的推理效率,Meta在8B和70B大小的模型上都采用了分组查询注意力(grouped query attention: GQA)...