My Books(5)5 posts Ripped from the Bible(3)3 posts All Posts Biblical Cosmology Torah Related Pagan Holidays Testing The 613 More M.W. Key 2 days ago Testing the 613 Commandments Vol. 2 M.W. Key Jan 19 Biblical Cosmology, The Heavens ...
PseudepigraphaEschatologyJesusLike the Messianic Banquet, the Messianic Torah is a concept frequently encountered among New Testament scholars. It seems to be presupposed as a category well known to first century Judaism and, therefore, to be a yardstick against which Jesus' 'legislative' activity ...
Torah Portions 2022-2023 Tsav Va'etchnan Vaera Vayachel Vayechi Vayechi Vayeshev Vayigash Vayishlach Yitro Sign up for The Messianic and receive free prophecy analysis of the news in your inbox from Beast Watch, too! Email (required) * First Name Yes,...
You are invited to come worship with us as we give praise to the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Come and embrace Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. Come be blessed and experience the Beautiful Hebrew Liturgy, the Torah Service, Anointed Praise & Worship, Davidic Dance, and Inspiration...
You are invited to come worship with us as we give praise to the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Come and embrace Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. Come be blessed and experience the Beautiful Hebrew Liturgy, the Torah Service, Anointed Praise & Worship, Davidic Dance, and Inspiration...
Hebrews Romans Galatians Legalism Freedom Torah Gentiles One New Man Redefining Words Evangelism Evangelism Study Prophecy Prophecy Intro Promises to Israel Isaiah Study Zechariah Study Zech. Study (Intro) Zech. Study (P1) Zech. Study (P2)
In the Pekudei section of this week’s Torah reading, the construction of the Sanctuary is completed. That work was finished exactly as God had commanded Moses: “And so at last the Tabernacle was finished. The Israelites had done everything just as the Lord had commanded Moses.”(Exodus 39...
A daily break to celebrate our salvation in Yeshua (Jesus) and our abundant life through the Torah
Come be blessed and experience the Beautiful Hebrew Liturgy, the Torah Service, Anointed Praise & Worship, Davidic Dance, and Inspirational Teachings. Join us for one of our services. Everyone is welcome! Dress is usually somewhere between business casual and casual dress. MINISTRIES At Baruch ...
Inlast week’s Parasha (Torah portion), seeds of rebellion were sown as the Israelites threatened to replace Moses as their leader. So great was their fear of the giants in the Promised Land, and so great was their unbelief that they would be able to overcome those giants and take the ...