This Shabbat, a special reading is added to the Torah Portion(Exodus 12:1–20), which details the laws ofPesach(Passover),since the festival ofPesachis but a couple of weeks away (March 25–April 2). Holding up the Torah scroll at the Western (Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem In the last ...
In fact, in this Torah reading, Moses warned the people of Israel to move away from the tents of Korach, Datan, and Abiram lest they be destroyed by God’s judgment of their sin, as well: “Depart, please, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest you...
Continue Reading 28 – Gideon’s Fleeces Posts navigation Older posts Categories Antichrist Articles Bride Feasts Gog-Magog War History Of Ancient Israel Jeremiah Study Kingdom Concepts Melchizedek Passover Teachings Torah Portions Acherei Mot B'Shalach Bamidbar Beha'alotcha Bo...
The Torah . . . according to the words of the prophets—begins with Zion, which I understand inwardly [to mean]: that the inner point of the beginning of the Torah must be for Zion—Zion is a religious symbol—that Zion is the inner core of the Torah, both external and internal, and...
A daily break to celebrate our salvation in Yeshua (Jesus) and our abundant life through the Torah
DATEPARASHAHTORAH READINGHAFTORAH READINGB'RIT HADASHAH READING(S) 1-4-25VAYIGASH (And He Drew Near)Gen 44:18-47:27Haftorah:Ez 37:15-28B'rit Hadashah:Luke 6:9-16 1-11-25VAYECHI (He Lived)Gen 47:28-50:26Haftorah:1 Kings 2:1-12B'rit Hadashah:1 Peter 1:1-9 ...
Shabbat:mikra'eikodesh(מִקְרָאֵי קדֶשׁ) The Sabbath has been described as an "island of time." It is called an "appointed time," in the Bible. It is also called a "Mikrei Kodesh" (holy convocation) by the Torah. God gave Shabbat to Israel, (...
Review by Jon C. Olson The books under review adopt a common approach to Torah study. Marty Solomon was a student of Rabbi Fohrman. Rabbi David Fohrman Rabbi Fohrman presents an approach to learning Torah based upon close reading of Scripture in concert with Midrash. I find him fresh and...
4.MATS is set up as aStudy Biblefor all 39 books of the Tanakh (OT) with the Torah (first 5 books) broken up into theAnnual Torah Reading Cycle, listing both theHaftorahsandBrit Chadashah(New Covenant) readings at the end of each Parsha (teaching portion). ...
This book is filled with incredible research into Torah (Old Testament), the Jewish Talmud and the New Testament (Brit HaChadasha) by Messianic Jewish Rabbi Itzhak Shapira. The book centers on Yeshua/Jesus's imminent return. His own Jewish people will fulfill the ancient prophecy when they fina...