【中字自翻计划No.34】邪魔的弥赛亚(Messiah of Evil,1974)《电影评论》 称其为“有史以来最被忽视的十大经典恐怖片之一”。入选《IndieWire》“有史以来最伟大的 150 部恐怖电影之一”英国电影学院称其为“一部罕见的电影天才之作”剧情讲述一位名叫阿莱缇的年轻女子驱车前往一个名为沙丘角的海滨小镇寻找她的...
一個人的觀影史記:無題 5 4 Messiah of Evil 这篇影评可能有剧透 ⭐ ◀ ▶ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 女子驅車前往偏遠、孤寂的海濱小鎮探望自個兒近期寫來不詳信件的已然失聯的「父親」;小鎮街道、商店盡顯淒涼,她暫住於「父親」位於海邊的宅邸之中,屋內滿墻神秘的壁畫頗為詭秘,如萬般凝視如影隨形,至於畫中寓意情...
Messiah of Evil (1974) 90 min - Horror 6.3/10 69 Metascore A young woman goes searching for her missing artist father. Her journey takes her to a strange Californian seaside town governed by a mysterious undead cult. Directors: Willard Huyck | Gloria Katz Stars: Michael Greer, ...
邪魔的弥赛亚 Messiah of Evil(1974) 冷感型准丧尸片,用不应答的沉默人群增加压迫感,美国空镇夜景运用得当,家里灯光诡异,剧情展开手法类似爱手艺,总之颇具风格但确实沉闷。JackFisk担任美术指导。主角家满是正常人不会画在住所里的壁画什么两个自动扶梯啦一个路口啦让人误以为那里可以走--油管全片 我说怎么美成这...
- The cross precedes the crown. - - The Jews are waiting for hero (Moshiach) to come and establish God’s kingdom on earth. Everything of value comes at a price. God’s grace is not cheap. - One cannot just be a good Jew, and be qualified to be Moshiach.
Zech 3- Angel of the Lord talking to Zechariah 1. Andhe showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. 2And the LORD said unto Satan, The LORD rebuke thee, O Satan; even the LORD that hath chosen Jerusalem...