Messiah of Evil (1974) 90 min - Horror 6.3/10 69 Metascore A young woman goes searching for her missing artist father. Her journey takes her to a strange Californian seaside town governed by a mysterious undead cult. Directors: Willard Huyck | Gloria Katz Stars: Michael Greer, ...
一個人的觀影史記:無題 5 4 Messiah of Evil 这篇影评可能有剧透 ⭐ ◀ ▶ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 女子驅車前往偏遠、孤寂的海濱小鎮探望自個兒近期寫來不詳信件的已然失聯的「父親」;小鎮街道、商店盡顯淒涼,她暫住於「父親」位於海邊的宅邸之中,屋內滿墻神秘的壁畫頗為詭秘,如萬般凝視如影隨形,至於畫中寓意情...
按喜欢排序·按尺寸排序· 按时间排序 1920x816 1920x816 1920x816 1920x816 1920x816 1回应 1280x546 1280x544 1280x546 1280x546 呕吐物 1280x540 1280x545 不买蓝光对不起这电影... 1280x546 1280x557 1280x544 1920x816 1920x816 1920x816 ...
Today I'm going to take a look at a game that to me embodies everything Shiny Entertainment represented back in those days, before they fell down into the black hole of developing nothing but movie tie-ins. Ladies, gentlemen and everything in between, I present to you: Messiah. Bob is...
Following antisemitic vandalism on his candy store Mendel prays for guidance and is whisked away to ancient Jerusalem where he meets Yeshua and His Disciples and the comedic Beelzebub and the Demons for an epic battle of good versus evil. Director Bradford May Writers Jeremiah Ginsberg (...
Foul Evil Deeds(2024) Michael Griffiths Voice of Father Dirty Fan Male(2005) Sara Mostert Little Kitty The Chihuahua Messiah(2005) Annalie Wilson Kitty Dead Cat(2013) MOVIEmeter Members only Become a member to access additional data Try IMDbPro Premium for free ...
Revelation depicts a world that is given to evil. 啟示錄》描繪了一個邪惡的世界。 That worships the beast, the Antichrist, hates the things of God. 崇拜獸、敵基督的人憎恨上帝的事物。 That's totally in line with what Messiah and the writers of the New Testament say. 這完全符合彌賽亞和...
犹大与黑弥赛亚 Judas and the Black Messiah电影,警方开了80枪,故事聚焦于Hampton之死,这一枪还是来自于一位成员被警方打死后的肌肉收缩,成员一共只开了一枪,他的死被判定为,黑豹党,死于芝加哥警察局和FBI组织的一次突袭行动
My name is Juan Camilo Gómez, I moved from Bogotá, Colombia to Albuquerque, to pursue a BFA in film in the University of New Mexico. Thrift Store Messiah is my senior thesis project, which will film on March 14th-16th, 2025. It is inspired by classic horror movies like Evil Dead and...
the device of an imagined history of what should have been was used recently in “once upon a time in hollywood” I once mused on an “evil, parallel, mirror universe” where everything was reversed and people had little beards … what nikki would have done … ( we got indy ) ...