一:根目录 & 系统命令 二:需要.o文件打包生成静态库 三:使用静态库编译生成可执行程序 四:需要.so文件打包生成动态库 五:使用动态库编译生成可执行程序 六:GDB调试 一:根目录 & 系统命令 1. opt 一般使用于 安装软件 2.查看根目录 ls / ls / 1. 3.查看系统命令 ls /bin ls /bin 1. 二:需要.o文...
在项目的构建规则中,使用link_with()函数将dll与目标进行链接。该函数接受一个参数,用于指定要链接的目标。例如,如果要将dll与名为myapp的目标进行链接,可以使用以下代码: 这将创建一个名为myapp的可执行文件,并将example_dep作为其依赖项。 通过以上步骤,meson将现有dll添加为项目的依赖项,并在构建过程中进行链接...
link_with : [libbasic, libbasic_gcrypt, libbasic_compress], link_whole : [libsystemd_static], dependencies : [threads, librt], link_depends : libsystemd_sym, install : true, install_tag: 'libsystemd', install_dir : rootlibdir) alias_target('libsystemd', libsystemd) instal...
link_with : libjanet) # pkgconfig pkg = import('pkgconfig') pkg.generate(libjanet, subdirs: 'janet', description: 'Library for the Janet programming language.') endif # Installation install_man('janet.1') install_data(sources : ['tools/.keep'], install_dir : join_paths(get_option('...
dx.doi.org adsabs.harvard.edu ResearchGate link.aps.org 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献Charmed-meson decay in the massive-quark model. II Charmed-pseudoscalar-meson decays are discussed in a model with massive quarks. We show that the model is consistent with the known branching ratios of D--.....
Describe your issue. I am trying to build scipy 1.11.4 from source with meson because I'd like to take advantage of Intel MKL linear algebra libraries that are installed on our system. I followed instructions here for how to link with MK...
muon is an implementation of the meson build system in c99 with minimal dependencies. Features muon analyze - a static analyzer for meson.build files. demo muon fmt - a meson.build code formatter An interactive stepping debugger A built-in cross platform ninja implementation fast Status muon is...
zlib1g-dev compression library - development pkg-config manage compile and link flags for libraries libboost-dev Boost C++ Libraries development files (default version) libboost-thread-dev portable C++ multi-threading (default version) libboost-test-dev components for writing and executing test ...
全部来源 求助全文 adsabs.harvard.edu link.aps.org 相似文献 引证文献Low-Energy $p$-Wave $\\ensuremath{\\pi}\\ensuremath{-}\\ensuremath{\\pi}$ Interaction math{pi}ensuremath{-}ensuremath{pi}$ scattering amplitude near threshold using as input principally the parameters of the $ensuremath...