link_whole : [libsystemd_static], dependencies : [threads, librt, libxz, libzstd, liblz4], link_depends : libsystemd_sym, install : true, install_dir : rootlibdir) install_libsystemd_static = static_library( 'systemd', ...
This works around meson bug 3937, 'link_whole' arguments don't get added into the final static library and we end up with a virtually empty 8-byte libxkbcommon.a file, see mesonbuild/meson#3937 Workaround is simply to add all sources to both libraries we need them in. This obviously ...
link_whole : [libsystemd_static], dependencies : [threads, librt], link_depends : libsystemd_sym, install : true, install_tag: 'libsystemd', install_dir : rootlibdir) alias_target('libsystemd', libsystemd) install_libsystemd_static = static_library( 'systemd', ...
link_whole : lib__mount, @@ -83,9 +88,7 @@ lib_mount = library( link_args : ['-Wl,--version-script=@0@'.format(libmount_sym_path)], link_with : [lib_common, lib_blkid], dependencies : [lib_selinux, get_option('cryptsetup-dlopen').enabled() ? lib_dl : lib_cryptsetup, ...
How do I do X in Meson? The Meson Build System
The total number of minimum tracks in the whole sample was 2564. Among them an extra high-multiplicity event of the type 10 + 518 Ca has been analysed. Twenty six secondary jets have been found and measured, the relative scattering measurements have been performed on 31 tracks. It has been...
Benefitting the Houston Area Women's Center. CLICK THE LINK TO BUY A TICKET. El Meson Spanish Restaurant El Meson Spanish Restaurant has recieved the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence since 1999, and the Best of Award of Excellence since 2016.DOMAINE...
The default build task will (re)compile the whole project. It can be triggered withCtrl+Shift+Bshortcut. In addition, individual targets can be compiled by simply clicking them in the Meson sidebar. At the top you'll find the main project targets; subproject targets can be found below. ...
One can see that we have achieved a reasonably good agreement between our calcu- lations and LHCb measurements (with both of the consid- ered TMD gluons), simultaneously for the prompt ηc and J/ψ production data collected at different energies and in the whole pT range. The presented ...