Mesh to NURBS I know that there has been discussions regarding this issue but I wasn't able to use any of the solutions that were suggested (ex. Using T-Spline to convert the mesh into a BRep). I tried to use a definition that someone provided online but the definition wasn't able t...
RunModemode){// Select some objectvargo=newGetObject();go.SetCommandPrompt("Select object");go.SubObjectSelect=false;go.Get();if(go.CommandResult()!=Result.Success)returngo.CommandResult();// Get the selected RhinoObjectvarrh_obj=go.Object(0).Object();if(...
Report the number of mesh polygons in a selected object. QuadrangulateMesh Merge mesh triangles into quadrangles. QuadRemesh Uses a unique algorithm to generate manageable polygon meshes, ideal for rendering, animation, CFD, FEA, and reverse-engineering. ...
Rhino.MeshToNurb (strObject [, blnTrimmedTriangles [, blnDelete]])ParametersstrObject Required. String. The identifier of a mesh object. blnTrimmedTriangles Optional. Boolean. If True (default), triangles in the mesh will be represented by trimmed planes. If False, ...
RhinoResurf for Rhino RhinoResurf for Rhino is a reverse engineering plug-in for Rhinoceros® 4.0 and 5.0. This plug-in gives Rhino the ability to reconstruct the geometry represented by NURB surface of an object from a mesh or point cloud which describes it. Viewchangelog. ...
两个插件的下载地址为:,Meshedit插件的安装文件可直接复制到文件夹目录C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries下;Weaverbird插件需要通过双击安装程序进行安装。 Meshedit插件安装完毕后,在GH标签栏中并不会有单独的标签,其运算器被放置于Mesh标签栏下,与GH自带的运算...
If you aren't getting the option when right clicking, make sure that you are right clicking on the mesh object under the mesh tree. Also, as others have said make sure to enable the add-on. It isn't automatic. Please fine tune! It is a great addition! Reply Why is this not a ...
The MeshSplit command divides meshes into parts with another object.If a curve is selected as splitter, it is "extruded" in the z-direction of the current CPlane to intersect and split the mesh. If the curve is almost on the mesh, it is recommended to use the SplitMeshWithCurve command...
A mesh can be exported into a file via the vrayProxyExport command in Rhino's Command Line. V-Ray Proxy can be imported via the vrayProxyImport command in Rhino's Command Line. V-Ray Proxy can be instanced by using the _Array command or Alt+drag the object in the Rhino viewport. Th...
To use mesh(+) you will need theRhino 5andthe latest Grasshopper 3dinstalled. Download themesh(+) User Object Collection. Because mesh(+) is a collection of user objects, it does not have a gha or installer, rather the user files contained in the downloadable zip folder can simply be ...