For anyone left wondering how to apply styles to individual attributes of the erDiagram on the live editor, here is a simple example. Code: erDiagram CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places CUSTOMER }|..|{ DELIVERY-ADDRESS : uses ORDER ||--|{ LINE-ITEM : contains ...
流程图 (Flowchart):用于描述流程或工作流程。 序列图 (Sequence Diagram):用于表示对象之间的交互。 类图(Class Diagram):用于表示类和它们之间的关系。 状态图 (State Diagram):用于描述状态机或状态转换。 甘特图 (Gantt Diagram):用于项目管理和时间安排。 ER 图 (Entity Relationship Diagram):用于描述数据库实体...
Describe the bug Unable to render graphs: erDiagram, gantt when integrating Mermaid with Ionic/StencilJS. Some other graphs all render perfectly. To Reproduce Code used to initialize and render a graph, works perfectly for a graph, and s...
but explaining it verbally just isn't cutting it. Enter Mermaid diagrams. With Mermaid, you can quickly turn your thoughts into clear, structured diagrams using plain text. No more dragging and dropping shapes endlessly. Simply type out your diagram in Mermaid's syntax,...
Create diagrams with the popular Mermaid syntax Easily design any kind of diagram like, Flowcharts, Sequence diagrams, ER diagrams and even C4 architecture Copy code from other sources like GitHub or Notion into Miro Design and layout is automatically applied Diagrams are fully editable Developer not...
我可以在美人鱼的ER图中画一条正常的直线吗?问题描述 投票:0回答:1ER 中方框之间的线条……很奇怪。是否不支持没有所有噪音的普通线路? 1个回答 0投票 如果您正在寻找直线/直角线,您可以将图表类型声明更改为 flowchart-elk,而不是 ...
Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown通过mermaid 可以实现以纯文本的方式绘制流程图,序列图,甘特图等。小书匠编辑器在 markdown 强大的优势下,更是无缝集成了 mermaid 的所有功能,用户不需要任何配置,只要打开了语法开关,就可以使用所有 mermaid 图例功能。再加上小书匠的...
2、 sequenceDiagramparticipantAliceparticipantBobAlice->>John:Hello John, how are you?loopHealthcheckJohn->>John:Fight against hypochondriaendNote right ofJohn:Rational thoughts prevail!John-->>Alice:Great!John->>Bob:How about you?Bob-...
2. 时序图(sequence diagram) 代码语言:javascript 复制 sequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice->John:Hello John,how are you?loop Healthcheck John->John:Fight against hypochondria end Note rightofJohn:Rational thoughtsprevail...John-->Alice:Great!John->Bob:How about you?Bob-->Joh...
* a command line tool for generating create sql from mermaid erDiagram. Latest version: 0.1.1, last published: 4 months ago. Start using @funktechno/little-mermaid-2-the-sql in your project by running `npm i @funktechno/little-mermaid-2-the-sql`. There a