支持Mermaid的常用编辑器 印象笔记 Markdown 笔记 有道云笔记 Typora MWeb VSCode + Mermaid 插件 Atom + Mermaid 插件 MermaidJS 官方网页版 编辑器 Mermaid支持的关系图语法(Diagram Syntax) mermaid 支持的图像种类 常用语法 陈修竹:Mermaid从入门到入土——Markdown进阶语法467 赞同 · 86 评论文章编辑...
https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/diagrams-and-syntax-and-examples/n00b-syntaxReference.html 渲染主题 除了描述逻辑关系的语法,Memraid 还提供 了简单的「换皮主题」的语法, 通过这套「换皮」语法,我们可以给每个类型的元素更换主题色,例如箭头颜色,例如流程块的背景色…… 特别适合,对绘图的颜值有要求,而...
Changing the size of the code editor To learn more about the syntax Mermaid uses, refer to theofficial documentation.You can also access the documentation from the bottom left corner of the app panel. As you finish building your diagram, clickAdd to board. The diagram will be added to the ...
Use Case: Function Signature Design Diagram Say if I have some functions with params:type and return type, I can use Mermaid to create a diagram to show the relationship between them. We can use theclassDiagramto create a more complex diagram: classDiagram class A{ +int x +int y +void ...
JavaScript-based tool for generating diagrams and charts using Markdown-like syntax. This approach simplifies the maintenance of complex diagrams, making it an efficient solution for creating visual representations of data, processes, and relationships. Mermaid supports a variety of diagram ...
2dAddtomermaid :1d section DocumentationDescribegantt syntax :active, a1, after des1,3dAddgantt diagramtodemo page :after a1 ,20hAddanother diagramtodemo page :doc1, after a1 ,48h sectionLastsectionDescribegantt syntax :after doc1,3dAddgantt diagramtodemo page :20hAddanother diagramtodemo page...
mermaid-filteris a pandoc filter that adds support formermaidsyntax diagrams in markdown. Write your diagrams in fenced code blocks as usual like this: ~~~mermaid sequenceDiagram Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? John-->>Alice: Great! ~~~ ...
序列图 (Sequence Diagram):用于表示对象之间的交互。 类图(Class Diagram):用于表示类和它们之间的关系。 状态图 (State Diagram):用于描述状态机或状态转换。 甘特图 (Gantt Diagram):用于项目管理和时间安排。 ER 图 (Entity Relationship Diagram):用于描述数据库实体及其关系。
Provides support for creating diagrams with Mermaid. Full support for Mermaid syntax: highlighting, completion, navigation, inspections, intentions, and much more. Dedicated file types: .mmd and .mermaid. Can be used with the Markdown plugin to add assis
Add another diagram to demo page :doc1, after a1 , 48h section Last section Describe gantt syntax :after doc1, 3d Add gantt diagram to demo page : 20h Add another diagram to demo page : 48h 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.