privatestaticvoidHeapSort() { BuildHeap();//将原始序列建成一个堆 while( arraySize>1) { arraySize--; Exchange (0, arraySize );//将最大值放在数组的最后 DownHeap (0);//将序列从0到n-1看成一个新的序列,重新建立堆 } } privatestaticvoidBuildHeap() { for(intv=arraySize/2-1; v>=0;...
堆排序HeapSorttemplate <class Item> void fixDown (Item a[], int k, int n) { while (2*k+1 < n) { int child = 2*k + 1; if ((child+1<n) && (a[child]<a[child+1]) child++; if (a[k] < a[child]) { exch(a[k], a[child]); k = child; } else return; } ...
Quicksort,Mergesort,andHeapsortQuicksort Fastestknownsortingalgorithminpractice Caveats:notstable Vulnerabletocertainattacks Averagecasecomplexity O(NlogN) Worst-casecomplexity O(N2) Rarelyhappens,ifcodedcorrectlyQuicksortOutline Divideandconquerapproach GivenarrayStobesorted•IfsizeofS<1thendone;•Pickanyeleme...
javascript quicksort quick sort, insertion sort 三分中值法 快速排序 插入排序 heapsort, mergesort,*Arr.jsfunctionArr(){this.cmp=Arr.defaultCompareFunction;}Arr.prototype=[];Arr.fromArray=function(/*Array*/a){var_this=newArr();for(vari=0;i<a.length;.
首先, heapify 是 O(n) 的,但是堆排序不是 O(n) 的。heapify 只是堆排序的一步而已,heapify 将一个数组整理成堆的形式,但是一个堆不是一个排序数组,从一个堆到一个排序数组,需要一个过程,请再理解一遍堆排序的整个过程。堆排序算法也是 O(nlogn) 的。 其次,是的,堆排序虽然时间复杂度也是 O(nlogn) ...
Heap-mergesortComplexityIn this paper, we present a new mergesort algorithm which can sort n(= 2h+1 − 1) elements using no more than n log2(n+1) − (1312)n − 1 element comparisons in the worst case. This algorithm includes the heap (fine heap) creation phase as a pre-...
快速排序(Quick Sort)使用栈来模拟递归过程,通过选择枢轴将数组分为两部分并压入栈中,直至栈空。归并排序(Merge Sort)使用循环实现非递归,先两两合并相邻元素,再四四合并,直到合并整个数组。堆排序(Heap Sort)利用堆的性质进行排序,通过建堆和不断调整堆顶元素来实现排序。基数排序(Radix Sort)通过多次桶排序实现,...
heapsort (void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar ) (const void *, const void * )) int mergesort (void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, int (*compar ) (const void *, const void * ))DescriptionThe qsort function is a modified partition-exchange sort, or quick...
Heap Sort public class Solution { private static int[] a; private static int n; private static int left; private static int right; private static int largest; public void sortIntegers2(int[] A) { a = A; buildheap(a); for(int i=n;i>0;i--){ ...