activity MainActivity.kt fragment RuntimeFragment.kt game setting ui main manage setting CommunityPage...
“fast forward”) the current branch tip up to the target branch tip. This effectively combines the histories, since all of the commits reachable from the target branch are now available through the current one. For example, a fast forward merge of some-feature intomainwould look something ...
一 背景介绍 使用idea更新代码时,有2个选项,一个是Merge the incoming changes into the current branch, 另一个是Rebase the current branch on top of the incoming changes。由于是多人多分支开发,笔者经常用的是Rebase这个选项。也不知道为什么用这个,看着别人也是用这个,不懂为什么要用re... ...
Rebase the current branch on top of incoming changes 与 Merge incoming changes into the current bran,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
git merge other feature branch into current feature branch merge target into current branch # 1. feat-app-eric (current)$ git checkout feat-app-eric $ git pull# alias$ gco feat-app-eric $ gp update # 2. feat-app-alex (target)$ git checkout feat-app-alex ...
[git] log中Merge branch 'master' of xxx的产生原因,当本地分支落后于远程分支本地分支没有pull,直接改代码并且进行commit此时如果push的时候,会要求pull一下pull完以后再进行push,日志里就会出现这条pull的过程其实就是fetch+merge的一个过程。我们从remote分支中拉取
@cached_property def providers(self): import platformimport GPUtil import onnxruntime as ortavailable_providers = ort.get_available_providers() providers = []try: if GPUtil.getAvailable(): providers += [ "CUDAExecutionProvider", # CUDA
fatal: Refusing to fetch into current branch refs/heads/ReqMerge_26 of non-bare repository 切换到其他分支(不是自己要拉得本地得分支) 并且当前分支是我们要拉取远程分支的祖先 再执行 git fetch 仓库名 远程分支 :本地分支
merge target into current branch # 1. feat-app-eric (current) $ git checkout feat-app-eric $ git pull # alias $ gco feat-app-eric $ gp 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. update # 2. feat-app-alex (target) $ git checkout feat-app-alex ...
This step-by-step guide shows how to merge a Git branch into the master (or main) branch using the git merge command.