仅需Python基础,从0构建大语言模型;从0逐步构建GLM4\Llama3\RWKV6, 深入理解大模型原理 - Merge branch 'main' into main · NanQiAi/llms-from-scratch-cn@cdd57ed
Merge branch 'main' into main Browse files main (#28) richard-devbot authored Jan 8, 2025 Verified 2 parents 94e313d + 0fdb9e8 commit e3bee13 Showing 5 changed files with 37 additions and 3 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified ...
git merge into用法 git merge命令是将两个或多个分支合并成一个分支。使用git merge into命令时,需要将要合并的分支与目标分支指定到命令中,例如: ``` git merge feature-branch into main ``` 此命令将把feature-branch分支合并到main分支中。 在使用git merge into命令时,需要注意目标分支是当前分支时,可以...
1. 切换到主分支:git checkout main 2. 合并分支到主分支:git merge feature-branch 3. 解决冲突(如果有的话) 4. 将合并后的代码推送到远程仓库:git push origin main 要将一个分支合并到主干(也称为主分支或master分支),可以使用Git的merge命令。下面是合并分支到主干的详细步骤。 1. 确认当前所在分支 在...
xcode merge branch into master failed 在xcode中合并分支到master失败,检查到冲突,从 stackoverflow 搜到一个可用的答案。 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6006737/git-merge-errors 用terminal执行以下命令合并成功。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
You'll merge the add-database branch into the main branch.Verify that you're on the main branch by running git status and by looking at the branch name in the status bar. In the Visual Studio Code terminal, enter the following command to merge the changes from the add-database ...
git merge [-n] [--stat] [--no-commit] [--squash] [--[no-]edit] [--no-verify] [-s <strategy>] [-X <strategy-option>] [-S[<keyid>]] [--[no-]allow-unrelated-histories] [--[no-]rerere-autoupdate] [-m <msg>] [-F <file>] [--into-name <branch>] [<commit>…] gi...
Suppose you have created a feature branch to work on a specific task, and want to integrate the results of your work into the main code base after you have completed and tested your feature: Merging your branch into master is the most common way to do this. It is very common that while...
Suppose you have created a feature branch to work on a specific task, and want to integrate the results of your work into the main code base after you have completed and tested your feature: Merging your branch into master is the most common way to do this. It is very common that while...
Your website team has tested the changes, and is now ready to launch the updated website with the Azure Cosmos DB database included. You'll merge theadd-databasebranch into themainbranch. Verify that you're on themainbranch by runninggit statusand by looking at the branch name in...