New! Understand every line of The Merchant of Venice. Read our modern English translation. Next Act 4, scene 2 Quiz Get 3 quizzes by signing up for a free accountTest your knowledge of Act 4, scene 1. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback. How is Antonio's beha...
The Merchant of Venice: Act 2, scene 9 Quiz4 questions New! Understand every line ofThe Merchant of Venice. Read ourmodern English translation. Next Act 3, scene 1 Quiz Get 3 quizzes bysigning upfor a free account Test your knowledge of Act 2, scene 9. Submit your answers to see yo...
Merchant of Venice: Novel Summary: Act 4 Scene 2 Merchant of Venice: Novel Summary: Act 5 Scene 1 Merchant of Venice: Character Profiles Merchant of Venice: Metaphor Analysis Merchant of Venice: Top Ten Quotes Merchant of Venice: Biography: William Shakespeare Home...
2019-02-16每日遛英语 Quotes of “the Merchant of Venice” 1. I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano; a stage where every man must play a part, and mine is a sad one. 格拉提亚诺,我把人生看做是个人生舞台,在这舞台上每人都得扮演一个角色,而我扮演的只是个悲催的角色罢了!2. I ...
Read our selection of the very best quotes from The Merchant of Venice, along with speaker, act and scene. As with so many of his plays Shakespeare
(查看原文) Chopper 2020-12-20 23:05:01 —— 引自章节:第三章 你们买了许多奴,把他们当做驴狗马一样看待,叫他们做种种卑贱的工作,因为他们是你们出钱买来的。我可不可以对你们说,让他们自由叫他们跟你们的子女结婚?为什么他们要在重担之下流着血汗?让他们的床铺得跟你们的床同样柔软,让他们的舌头也...
Bassanio is probably the least prepossessing of the principal figures inThe Merchant of Venice.Dwarfed by Shylock's monumental passions, Bassanio seems thin-blooded and ultimately rather trivial, and his stature is further diminished by the brilliance and panache of P...
Venice summary|The Merchant of Venice characters:Portia,Shylock|The Merchant of Venice settings|The Merchant of Venice in modern English|The Merchant of Venice full text|Modern The Merchant of Venice ebook|The Merchant of Venice quotes|The Merchant of Venice monologues|The Merchant of Venice ...
Shylock has Antonio arrested and brought before theDuke of Venice, who presides over a court of justice. The Duke pleads with Shylock to forgive the contract and let Antonio go free. When he refuses, the Duke asks him how he expects any mercy if he is unable to offer it. The Duke the...
The Merchant of Venice: Act 3, scene 5 Quiz 2 questions New! Understand every line of The Merchant of Venice. Read our modern English translation. Next Act 4, scene 1 Quiz Get 3 quizzes by signing up for a free account Test your knowledge of Act 3, scene 5. Submit your answe...