5. Shylock tells Jessica that if she hears commotion outside, she should “Clamber not…up to the casements then,/ Nor thrust [her] head into the public street/ To gaze on Christian fools…/ But…/ [she should] Let not the sound of shallow fopp’ry enter/ [his] sober house.” 6....
3. Portia insists that no one reveal that she and Nerissa have been away from home. 4. Nerissa claims whoever has the ring “will ne’er wear hair on’s face…” In other words, she says she suspects him of giving it to a woman. 5. Portia swears that she “will ne’er come in...
of Oliver Cromwell. Jews were often presented on the Elizabethan stage as hideous with hooked noses and bright red wigs, and as ravenous money-lenders, such as in Christopher Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta. What do you think is Shakespeare’s attitude towards Jews in The Merchant of Venice?
Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the conversation.They would go to see ___. A.The Merchant of Venice.B.The Cats.C.The Sound of Music.D.The Phantom of the Op...
新闻听力 1C Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. Question 6 A、 He is a person of a high goal. B、 He works as a football player. C、He always prays faithfully. D、 He is now st
(Shylockin William Shakespeare'sMerchant of Venice) "Can I ask arhetorical question? Well, can I?" (Ambrose Bierce) "Aren't you glad you use Dial? Don't you wish everybody did?" (1960s television advertisement for Dial soap) "To actually see inside your ear canal--it would be fascin...
In the study, students were required to study a set of readings such as "The Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare. There are several points in evaluating the exam results and one of them is spelling of words. 展开 年份: 1906
TheMerchantofVeniceAMid-summerNight’sDreamAsyoulikeitTwelfthNight Thewinter'stale DidShakespeareexist?Yes Ifyoufollowthenewsardently,peoplehavefoundthelaundrybillsofShakespeare,hishouseandmanyotherevidencesthatannouncetheexistenceofShakespeare.HisbirthanddeatharerecordedintheparishrecordsofStratford-on-Avon,hiswill...
This is an extract from our story, Portia's Puzzle which is based on a scene from Shakespeare's play, The Merchant of Venice. Listen to the extract and answer the questions. Extract Word of Portia’s beauty had spread to every corner of the world, and me
Answer: Feeling jealous William Shakespeare first used "green-eyed jealousy" in 1596 in his play "The Merchant of Venice." At the time, green was a color associated with both jealousy and envy. The term "green with envy" was already well known, but as Shakespeare likes to do, he turned...