结束后,Portia试探Bassanio是否会拿下指环,Nerissa也想试探Gratiano。 SCENE I Venice. A Court of Justice. 威尼斯。法庭 Duke劝说Shylock放弃这种惩罚方式,但Shylock坚持这样,因为他乐意这样。 Duke说已派人去请Bellario来审理此案,此时Nerissa扮作a lawyer's clerk前来,呈信说Bellario介绍一位年轻有学问的博士出席...
A monologue from Act III, Scene ii by:William Shakespeare NOTE:The Merchant of Venicewas first published in 1600. It is now a public domain work and may be performed without royalties. PORTIA: You see me, Lord Bassanio, where I stand, Such as I am. Though for myself alone I would no...
星夜长空创作的外语有声书作品14-The Merchant of Venice《威尼斯商人》,目前已更新20个声音,收听最新音频章节09 - Act II, Scene 6。
Performed in Hebrew with English subtitles. The Habima presentThe Merchant of Venice, one of Shakespeare's most controversial, and human plays in their first visit to the UK. 'If you prick us, do we not bleed?' — Act III, Scene 1 Part of the 2012 Globe to Globe Festival. The Habima...
The Merchant of Venice: Act III, Scene IShakespeare, William
339 You Don't Matter (act I)-Timothy Hart by:嘻哈有态度 2358 我i不i要i你i死i于i一i事i无i成 by:知识新贵 457 La Boheme, Act I, Scene I Mi chiamano Mimi-Diego Fiorini/Silvia Di Falco by:小众style 506 蛇咒I蛇蛊I恐怖I悬疑I惊悚I虐恋I恐怖I精品双播 by:夜锋瞳 3006 ACT集萃 by:...
大学英语复习资料:The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare:TheMerchantofVenice LectureOutline 1.Lead-in:Summaryoftheplot:Twoworldsandthreeplots2.whowasmerchantofVenice?3.Characterization:Antonio(good)vs.Shylock(evil)?4.Dramatictype:comedyvs.tragedy5.Humanisticpuzzle:materialaffluence=happiness?6.Conclusion:the...
The Merchant of VeniceScene 5Play Summary Character List Summary and Analysis Act I: Scene 1 Act I: Scene 2 Act I: Scene 3 Act II: Scene 1 Act II: Scene 2 Act II: Scene 3 Act II: Scene 4 Act II: Scene 5 Act II: Scene 6 Act II: Scene 7 Act II: Scene...
我的莎士比亚启蒙作是04年Michael Radford导演电影版的The Merchant of Venice,其中Al Pacino扮演原剧作里的反派犹太商人Shylock,正因为第一次看的就是这个版本,所以在我心目里一直觉得这出戏与其说是Portia和Bassanio的喜剧,倒不如说是Shylock的悲剧。 有很多人看完电影觉得完全不是小时候看的《威尼斯商人》,感觉是...
Merchant of Venice: Novel Summary: Act 1 Scene 2 Merchant of Venice: Novel Summary: Act 1 Scene 3 Merchant of Venice: Novel Summary: Act 2 Scene 1 Merchant of Venice: Novel Summary: Act 2 Scene 2 Merchant of Venice: Novel Summary: Act 2 Scene 3 Merchant of Venice: Novel Summa...