To access a wealth of valuable learning resources, kindly follow our official WeChat public account (福拓国际).*本作品属于戏剧,所以,正文之外会有舞台指示或演出指导,这些文字的英文字幕会有细微之变动。This piece belongs to the theatrical genre, and as such, it incorporates stage directions or ...
The Merchant of Venice: Act 2, scene 9 Quiz4 questions New! Understand every line ofThe Merchant of Venice. Read ourmodern English translation. Next Act 3, scene 1 Quiz Get 3 quizzes bysigning upfor a free account Test your knowledge of Act 2, scene 9. Submit your answers to see yo...
[逐字制作]英文字幕 Merchant of Venice - Act 2, Scene 1 182023-11 [逐字制作]英文字幕 Merchant of Venice - Act 2, Scene 2 52023-11 [逐字制作]英文字幕 Merchant of Venice - Act 2, Scene 3 22023-11 [逐字制作]英文字幕 Merchant of Venice - Act 2, Scene 4 32023-12 [逐字制作]英文字幕 ...
The Merchant of Venice (《威尼斯商人》),莎翁四大喜剧之一,女主人公Portia美丽智慧,威尼斯商人Antonio仗义疏财,宁愿为朋友Bassanio(Portia的丈夫)挨上一刀,高利贷商人Shylock冷酷贪婪——不过现在看来令人同情……作者,William Shakespeare(威廉·莎士比亚),15
ACT II SCENE I Belmont. A Room in PORTIA's House. 贝尔蒙特。鲍西娅家中一室 the Prince of Morocco向Portia求婚,请求选匣子,得到应允先去教堂再来尝试。 SCENE II Venice. A Street. 威尼斯。街道 Launcelot Gobbo纠结是否要从主人Shylock家里逃跑,最后决定逃。正巧,他遇到有些盲的父亲Old Gobbo来问路找儿子...
The Merchant of Venice Translation Act 2, Scene 7 Also check out our detailed summary & analysis of this scene Original Translation Flourish cornets. Enter PORTIA with the Prince of MOROCCO, and both their trains Trumpets play. PORTIA enters with the Prince of MOROCCO and their attendants...
看莎士比亚喜剧威尼斯商人TheMerchantofVenice(双语译林壹力文库)ACT 2.最新章节, [Flourish of cornets. Enter...番茄小说网下载番茄小说免费阅读全文。
Merchant of Venice: Novel Summary: Act 1 Scene 3 Merchant of Venice: Novel Summary: Act 2 Scene 1 Merchant of Venice: Novel Summary: Act 2 Scene 2 Merchant of Venice: Novel Summary: Act 2 Scene 3 Merchant of Venice: Novel Summary: Act 2 Scene 4 Merchant of Venice: Novel Summa...
Act IV, Scene 1: Sleep-Walking Scene (Dunsinane - Ante-Room In The Castle) - Lehman Engel Act V, Scenes 3 & 5: Macbeth And Seyton (Dunsinane - A Room In The Castle) - Lehman Engel 我要写乐评 Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare的乐评 ···(全部 0 条) "Merchant...
1. Morocco fears Portia would not want to marry someone of his race. Upon entering the play, he pleads: “Mislike not for my complexion/ The shadowed livery of the burnished sun…” 2. Bassanio suspects that Gratiano will appear “too wild, too rude, and bold of voice” for the peopl...