Gideb offers the highest quality of self care services customized to your specific health care needs. First, download our app and try out our various services, including our health self-assessments, health care provider search function, online wellness coaching program, online journaling (including ...
Mental healthClinical psychology Fostering self-care and mindfulness in mental health care providers ALLIANT INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Joan Murray SharifiProshad ShadiThe mental health care profession is one of the most stressful occupations; the breadth of literature suggests that therapists are at risk ...
Health & Social Care in the CommunityLucock M, Gillard S, Adams K, Simons L, White R, Edwards C. Self-care in mental health services: a narrative review. Health Soc Care Community. 2011;19(6):602-16.Lucock, M., Gillard, S., Adams, K., Simons, L., White, R., & Edwards, C...
Learn where to look for help when it is needed? Get some ideas on how to support a friend who is going through a hard time? This interactive session is designed to increase your awareness of mental health and show y...
Mental Health Support that Meets Your Needs, On Your Time Get the support you deserve — for little to no cost.* From 1-on-1 virtual therapy and coaching to on-demand self care, AbleTo helps you better manage your mental health. Using research-backed too
Taking care of your physical and mental health.As a caregiver, it's not unusual to find yourself putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own. This isn't sustainable, but detrimental to your physical, emotional, and mental health. It's critical to take care of yourself first, so you...
Mental Health Support that Meets Your Needs, On Your Time Get the support you deserve — for little to no cost.* From 1-on-1 virtual therapy and coaching to on-demand self care, AbleTo helps you better manage your mental health. Using research-backed too
We’remore thanjust a healthcare provider. We’re innovators, dedicated to revolutionising mental health treatment and performance optimisation. Our mission is simple: to make preventative and immediate care more accessible, affordable, and impactful for everyone. We harness the power of digital innova...
Self—care is necessary for our physical and mental health, yet often it's the first thing we drop when we find ourselves (stretch) for time. While we're on the subject of time, let's talk about priorities. When we feel like we don't have time to do something important, it is bec...
Ease app is the best mental health app designed to help you practice positive thinking, positive self talk, self-care, reduce stress and anxiety, quit addiction…