This study aims to describe the rate of BreastScreen participation in women aged 50 to 74 who have had contact with specialist mental health services in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, and compare this to rates in the general population after adjusting for age, socioeconomic status and rural...
There are a number of mainstream tobacco control strategies that could be further utilized (e.g. mass media and health professional referrals to the Quitline) to increase cessation among this disadvantaged group.doi:10.3109/00048674.2010.536904Bowden, Jacqueline A....
url: Parliament of Australia. Inquiry into sleep health awareness in australia: Insufficient Sleep, Canberra, 2018 url: https://www.aph....
Health4Life has been evaluated in a cluster-randomized controlled trial (CRCT), including 71 schools across three Australian States (New South Wales, NSW; Queensland, QLD; Western Australia, WA)25. As the Health4Life trial tested a MHBC intervention spanning six lifestyle behaviors and mental ...
While these studies have led to growing appreciation of the mental health benefits of nature in general, we know little about the specific features within green and blue spaces which are driving these benefits. The present investigation focuses on a feature of the natural environment which has ...
His focus includes mental skills training, health and wellness, and sport parent education. Nicole J. Adams, Ph. D., Certified MGCPLubbock, TexasPhone: 806-778-7103Email: nicole@toplinetriathlon.comWebsite: Dr. Nicole Adams grew up in South Africa and now makes Texas ...
Trivedi Jitendra, Sareen Himanshu, Dhyani Dhyani, Mohan Mohan. Rapid urbanization - Its impact on mental health. A South Asian region perspective Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2008 UN, World Urbanization Prospects The 2007 Revision; and Mark R. Montgomery, “The Urban Transformation of the...
Urban Green Spaces and Health: A Review of Evidence. Copenhagen, Denmark: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe; 2016. 4. South EC, Hohl BC, Kondo MC, MacDonald JM, Branas CC. Effect of greening vacant land on mental health of community-dwelling adults: a cluster randomized ...
Limited empirical evidence is available regarding the uptake and effectiveness of school-based mental health and wellbeing programs implemented in Australian schools. This study aimed to characterise the delivery of programs in primary (elementary) schools across New South Wales, Australia, and to assess...
Cigarette smoking is a modifiable behaviour associated with mental health. We investigated the degree of genetic overlap between smoking behaviours and psychiatric traits and disorders, and whether genetic associations exist beyond genetic influences sha