There is little evidence for specific strategies to improve breast screening in women living with mental ill health, but some studies in this group have identified barriers to breast and cervical cancer screening including shame and stigma, lack of integration of physical and mental health services,...
Working in health where KPI's are more important than staff or customer wellbeing The good: You get to work in the comfort of your home in the mental health triage role. There is usually some flexibility around the hours/shifts you can work. ...
There are 43 jobs at Northern Sydney Local Health District Explore them all Browse jobs by job title Mental Health Technician 5 jobs Browse jobs by category Nursing 15 jobs Medical Technician 6 jobs Community & Social Service 4 jobs Management 3 jobs Therapy 3 jobs Show more categories See all...
Port Macquarie Classes Port Macquarie Health Classes #healing #yoga #meditation #mindfulness #soundbath #soundhealing #yoganidra #chakrabalancing #mental_health #innerchildhealing Organized by Yogic Box 3.6k followers Contact Follow Organizer website Report this eventUse...
Nurse Practitioners in NSW - Guideline for Implementation of Nurse Practitioner Roles - NSW Health , This guideline supports the implementation of NSW Health Policy Directive PD2012_026 Nurse Practitioners in NSW. The document outlines changes to Nurse Practitioner scope of practice, formulary arrangeme...
Her mental health also declined and she was consumed with feeling inadequate. Layla was unaware she was entitled to a lump sum payout, and the $1M settlement we won for her has completely changed her life. You can read Layla’s full story here. Find out how much you can claim. Get...
Sole Trader Support Worker with experience since 2009 in the public and private Disability and Mental Health Community Care Services sector, mostly with ADHC. Lived personal experience of Disability challenges and the Recovery process. Fully qualified an
October, 2014Non-government organisation, registered charity NSW Health, donations and bequests NSW Mental health promotion, mental health and mental illness education Information, health promotion, support, advocacyAddress: Level 5, 80 William St, Woolloomooloo, NSW 2011 Telephone: 02 9339 6000 Fax...
Saint Leonards, NSW, NSW Health NSW Quitline – Supervisor & Counsellor Employment Type: Permanent Position Classification:HealthProfessional level... to carers and family members as well ashealthprofessionals about providing cessation care. This will include undertaking... ...
Certificate from LifelineTelephone Crisis Supporter / 2016 Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Grad Dip, Graduated2019 " I am Counsellor, with a Postgraduate degree from The Australian College of Applied Psychology (ACAP). I have extensive experience working across both Mental Health and...