Supporting Adults through Mental Health Challenges Posted in Healthy People, tagged mental health, stigma, suicide prevention on September 19, 2024| Leave a Comment » While we all come together in September to raise awareness for suicide prevention, it can be difficult to support those who are...
these conditions are particulary impactful in the older population, because they often interfere with a senior's desire to seek treatment for other age-related issues. Although theCDCreports that over 20 percent of older adults experience mental health issues, the good news is mental health conditi...
in recent years, the research direction towards homosexuality has shifted in Western countries; researchers have increasingly paid more attention to the mental health of MSM, including conducting studies on the effect of social negative attitudes towards the mental health of gay people [4,5,6,7,17...
Organic mental disorders in older adults can produce a range of symptoms, such as decline of memory, comprehension, learning capacity, language abilities, and judgment, including the ability to think and calculate, or severe dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is the prominent condition in this category...
Nearly 60% of caregivers of people with ADRD have had caregiver responsibilities for over four years1, and 60% anticipate continued caregiving in the next five years. About one out of every three of these informal caregivers are older adults (age 65 or older)1. Studies report that the ...
Another commonality includes the high prevalence of cognitive disorders among MHR ED visits for older adults [30]. Thus, despite our data limitations, we are confident that our findings are meaningful both for the state of NC and for the country as a whole. NC DETECT relies on secondary ...
In Mexico, the population 60years and older is projected to increase from 8.9% to 21.5% of the total population between the years 2010 and 2050 (CONAPO, 2012). In the United States, Hispanics are the fastest-growing group among older adults (CDC, 2020), and are expected to increase ...
Even so, we should not ignore the importance of childhood poverty for mental health in adulthood, as significant effects have also been found in older adults. A possible mechanism of the link between childhood poverty and mental health are presented; persistent poverty-related challenging tasks64, ...
A preliminary report says the pilot of a plane that crashed in northeast Wyoming in July, killing three members of the Gospel Music Association Hall of Fame quartet The Nelons, declared an emergency and the loss of the autopilot shortly before the incident that in total killed seven peopl...
Mental health can be defined as freedom from mental illness. It can also be considered well-being or life satisfaction. The focus of this article is on the system developed to provide services to alleviate psychological suffering in older adults. Mental health care of the older adult in its op...