Long-Term Care for Older Adults with Mental Illness: A Short Report on Defining Barriers to Placementdoi:10.7870/cjcmh-2024-017HEALTH services accessibilityMEDICAL protocolsPSYCHIATRIC treatmentLONG-term health careMENTAL illnessHOSPITAL careELIGIBILITY (Social aspects)...
Learn the facts about older adults and suicide and several strategies you can use for helping older adults at risk for suicide.
Mental illness in older adults (NIMH).Mental illness in older adults (NIMH).The article provides information on the federal grant offered by the National Institute of Mental Health to foreign and domestic for and non-profit private and public organizations and institutions conducting research related...
The authors assessed the need for mental health services among older adults in San Diego County, California, by determining what needs were not being addressed by existing services, what services were necessary to address these needs, and how much consensus there was among different stakeholders wit...
Bartels SJ, Miles KM, Dums AR, Levine KJ. Are nursing homes appropriate for older adults with severe mental illness? Conflicting consumer and clinician views and implications for the Olmstead decision. J Am Geriatr Soc 2003;51: 1571e1579....
Santa Clara County has a wealth of resources that can help keep older adults social and engaged. The local chapter of theNational Alliance on Mental Illnessoffers support groups, multilingual group-therapy style programs and more. Veterans often need specific types of therapy that deal with that ...
This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of violence against the primary caregivers of community dwelling older adults with chronic diseases, and to determine the factors associated with violence and its association with caregiver outcomes. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted. HITS ...
Older persons in custody have poorer health as compared with those in the community. The unmet and complex health care needs of incarcerated older adults with mental illness raise justice, safety, dignity and fairness in care as ethical concerns. As there exists research gap to better understand ...
The findings of the study revealed that fear of death, grief, depression, and social isolation are the major challenges of older adults which affected their mental well-being and relationship with family and friends. Older adult's quality of life could be improved with timely and effective ...
(N = 679,182).MeasurementsDiagnoses recorded on Medicare and Medicaid claims were used to identify mental illness, SUDs, and 15 selected chronic physical conditions.ResultsCommunity-dwelling older adults with mental illness or SUDs had higher adjusted risk for 14 of the 15 selected chronic physical...