In India today, dozens of phone numbers are available for people who are having a severe mental health emergency. Oftentimes, however, callers experience difficulty in getting connected with someone who will listen to them; sometimes the phone will just ring and ring. "People think that technolog...
Mental Health NA’AMAT Call: 844-777-5222 email: Domestic Violence and Abuse LGBT Olim Email: Coming Out and Identity Alcoholics Anonymous Call: 072-393-2500 Drug and Alcohol Misuse Emergency hotline for women ...
We have investigated the numbers of emergency hospitalizations in mental and drug-treatment hospitals in Kazan in 1996–2006 and in Moscow in 1984–1996. Samples have been analyzed by disease type, sex, age, and place of residence (city or village). This study aims to discover differences and...
While there are many emergency mental health hotlines, if you or someone you care about is having thoughts of suicide, call 911 for immediate help. Some of the reputable 24-hour mental health hotlines that can provide you with support, education, and resources include: ...
These electronic interventions may be particularly helpful for self-managing mental health during health emergency situations, such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic, while maintaining quarantine and social distancing [16]. Online and mobile health technologies also have the potential to greatly improve ...
usage will be collected using five questions asking the number of visits to various service providers for mental health reasons over the last 2 weeks, including walk-in clinic, family doctor or nurse practitioner, emergency department, mental health counselor, and mental health hotline/phone support...
An Educational Service for Clinical & Forensic Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Other Forensic and Mental Health Professionals, Attorneys, and Judicial Professionals (Students & Trainees Welcome!)William H. Reid, M.D., M.P.H. Forensic Psychiatry Consultant Horseshoe Bay, Texas...
Bass also suggested that people write down the phone numbers of three people they can call in their darkest moments — before those moments are upon them. “There is always somebody who can help you,” she said. “If you come up with your plan at your lowest moment, or...
Keywords: mental health problems; emergency department; adolescents 1. Introduction At the University Hospital in Bern (Inselspital), Switzerland, patients aged 16 years and older are treated at the adult emergency department (ED), whereas younger patients are referred to paediatric emergency services....
They used to be open all sorts of hours and they even offered an emergency line for the weekends, but that’s all cut off now”. —Mike, 33 3.1.2. Digital Exclusion When speaking about experiences accessing services, individuals reflected on the pre-pandemic in-person support with general ...