The Mayo Clinic urges parents who believe their child is considering suicide to call 911, their local emergency number, or a suicide hotline. In the United States, call or text 988 to reach the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Or use...
United Family Healthcare is an international healthcare organisation, which provides comprehensive, integrated healthcare services including mental health treatment. Emergency number: 2216 3999 or find out more athttp://shanghai.ufh...
Emergency Mental Health Services in the Community***doi:10.1176/ps.48.5.722Geller, Jeffrey L.Mueller, JimPsychiatric Services
This cohort study uses Pediatric Health Information System data to describe trends in mental health pediatric emergency department revisits.
PSI’s toll-free help line is staffed by a team of trained responders who rapidly refer callers to appropriate local resources, including emergency services. 800-944-4PPD (4773) American Foundation for Suicide Prevention The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) provides information ...
State Medicaid Telehealth Policies Before and During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, US Department of Health and Human Services; 2021.
An invisible mask against the novel coronavirus outbreak, public health emergency intervention on mental health care has been launched in China to quell people's fear of the unknown and address problems concerning psychological health. by Xinhua writers Chu Yi, Liu Fangqiang and Qiu Yi ...
"Evidence shows that large numbers of emergency workers experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and will be at risk for other mental health conditions." The Senate committee has been charged with delivering recommendations so that governments and employers can protect and support first res...
There were 136 million emergency department visits in the USA in 2009, of which 4.7 million had a primary psychiatric diagnosis (National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey 2007, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC). Among all visits resulting in admission to hospital, 4 percent were ...
Things aren't going too well right now. Each new day seems to add to the uncertainty about the immediate and long-term impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. Whether you think that people are overreacting or it is truly a global health emergency, one fact is objectively true: Covid-19 has ...