Mental Health: discussion paper twoThe article presents a discussion paper produced by the Australian Health and Hospitals Association about the important role of primary health networks in mental health services in Australia.Lamp
Free Essay: Mental health counseling as distinct helping profession is relatively new when compared to other mental health disciplines Carmichael and Erford,...
Navigating a discussion about mental health at work can be daunting, but having open dialogues about it is crucial for employee well-being and productivity. If you are struggling with a mental health issue and worried that it might affect your job performance, here are seven valuable insights th...
During their wide-ranging discussion on mental health topics, Poppy shared that through open, honest communication, she seeks to demonstrate to others that mental health challenges do not preclude success in all walks of life—from parenting to leading in a C-suite role. “Until we get leaders...
A‘Health record’ is a record which consists of information relating to the physical or mental health or condition of an individual which has been made by or on behalf of a health professional in connection with the care of that individual. ...
Advances in psychiatric research and treatment discussedA discussion of the advances made in psychiatric research and treatment.(more)See all videos for this article Psychopathology is the systematic study of the significant causes, processes, and symptomatic manifestations of mental disorders. The meticulo...
“I need a day off to manage my mental health,” or “I need to take some time to deal with some personal matters” is enough. If you don’t feel comfortable having that direct discussion about mental health or feel unsafe doing so, you can also look into using sick days or personal...
which categorizes the various uses of predictive modeling in mental health research into four classes. InSection 4, we discuss illustrative examples of each model type from the existing literature. Finally, in the discussion, we reflect on identified research gaps, the way in which the framework ...
We were taken aback by that remark in one of the in-class discussions about addressing psychological issues with different approaches. That discussion happened a few years ago when I was doing my foundation year studies in psychology. I gave it a lot of thought after that class activity and ...
In a concluding chapter, Palk and Stein provide an overview of the broad intersection of global mental health and ethics, drawing on the work in this volume, and outlining a framework for ethical global mental health. Their discussion of key ethical issues in global mental health is organized ...